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~You are everything my heart dreams of~

~You are everything my heart dreams of~----------

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I sat bored in my seat next to Marlene. I leaned back in my chair, my legs casually crossed and my tie hanging loosely around my neck, as always not properly done. We were already waiting a few minutes for our Potions teacher, who was usually on time. Just as I was about to get up to leave the room, the door opened and Slughorn scurried into the room, followed by three cauldrons hovering behind him.

"Sorry for being late, but I promise you that this lesson will be even more fun than usual."
Sirius snorted but Remus hit him with his elbow, silencing him.

"Take a look at these cauldrons and tell me what's inside them." Lily's hand was up before I was able to take a look at them.

"Miss Evans?"

"The first one is Veritaserum, sir. Veritaserum is a powerful truth serum. The potion effectively forces the drinker to answer any questions put to them truthfully, though there are certain methods of resistance. Use of this potion is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic."

"Correct, ten points to Gryffindor."

"Care to explain this potion Mr. Snape?"

"Wolfsbane. The Wolfsbane Potion is an innovative and complex potion that relieves, but not cures, the symptoms of lycanthropy, or werewolfery. The main ingredient is wolfsbane also referred to as aconite or monkshood. As such, this Potion is very dangerous when incorrectly concocted, since Aconite is a very poisonous plant. A goblet full of wolfsbane potion must be taken each day for a week preceding the full moon."

"Very good Mr. Snape, 20 points to Slytherin."

Remus looked longingly at the potion. I knew this potion, but I also knew that the ingredients were very expensive and Remus could not afford them. He sighed and I looked at James and Sirius who both put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Miss Peters care to explain the last potion?"

"Uh I guess it's Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in existence. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. But it does not produce true love."

"Correct, 5 points to Gryffindor."

"Today we will deal with Amorentia. You will be brewing the potion and if you succeed, you will be able to smell the tempting steam."
Some of the girls sighed dreamingly while leaning forward on their tables to be closer to the potion. I was hit by a paper ball at my head and I turned around to see James smirking at me. I send him a confused look and opened the paper with a sigh.

Dear Shadow,
Just wait and see, until Lily realise her love for me.

Ps: In case you haven't noticed... IT'S A POEM!

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now