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~anger makes you stupid, stupid gets you killed~

~anger makes you stupid, stupid gets you killed~-----------

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Third Person P.O.V.

They apparated to the house with a crack, a sickening feeling set in Talea's stomach but she chooses to ignored it. The others appeared next to her, stumbling slightly. They were standing in front of a large hedge, surrounded by nothing but forest, no houses. The group stood on a small gravel path; the hedge gave them a safe hiding place from other guests. Regulus asked Talea to meet him here, if everything went well, he should be here any second.

"Did we make it? Is this the right place?" asked James, who was brushing of the dirt on his hands. 

She nodded and told them to be quiet, a branch snapped and all of them pulled out their wand's immediately but lowered it when the younger Black appeared from behind the corner of the hedge. He looked up, before letting his gaze wandering over the six of them. 

He raised a brow "Are you ready? This isn't going to be fun if I'm honest." 

They nodded their heads and Regulus instructed them to follow him, they walked in silence along the hedge until they were able to make out a huge iron gate further down the path. Many people crowded in front of the entrance as more and more people appeared with the help of apparition. 

Regulus pointed to a few people, who stood further away from the crowd, with their backs to the group, and whispered something to Talea and Sirius, not feeling comfortable with the presence of the others. The pair nodded their heads and pointed their wands at them. A red light came out of the wands and hit the four guests in their back. 

Sirius levitated the unconscious people in their direction, making sure that no one saw them and dropped them right before the group. 

"The Selwyn's" whispered Sirius to no one particular. Regulus nodded and said "They come from a long line of purebloods; I choose them because they are respected but not one of the most powerful family, meaning that you can sneak off without anyone looking for you." 

"Tell us something about them, if we can't avoid a conversation" demanded Remus. 

"This is Silas Selwyn" Regulus pointed at an older looking man with grey hair, and a short beard," he works in the Ministry of Magic of Magic, Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Remus grabbed his Polyjuice potion and collected a piece of hair, before putting it in the veil. 

Sirius pointed at a woman that laid next to Silas, her brown hair was pulled up in a neat bun, her face was scrunched up slightly "That's Valeria Selwyn", his wife and I don't think that there's anything important about her, probably a housewife that follows her husband orders. " Lily pulled out a hair and mixed it into the potion, before stepping back next to James. 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now