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~some people should have stayed in the past~

~some people should have stayed in the past~----------

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Dear Talea,

Hogwarts has turned into a horrible place but remember that it is not your fault, he didn't wanted to stay. There's a new headmaster, his name is Antonin Dolohov but thy call him the devil. He is a cruel man and lead by Voldemort to control the school and therefore a big part of the wizarding community. I fear that his next move might be taking over the Ministry.

Dolohov has several assistants like other death eaters but also seventh year Slytherins, their parents are most likely death eaters too. They are teaching the kids dark arts and torturing methods but I am afraid that we're not able to do anything against them.

The teachers are trying to keep the students save but the death eaters are working with harsh punishment that we cannot always prevent. It is good to see that the students are taking care of each other, our nurse knows that they are sneaking remedies out of the infirmary but she doesn't stop them.

I hope that you are all in safe and keep the gemstone with you at all times.

Yours sincerely,

Grace Camplyn

Talea grabbed the chain around her neck tightly. Sirius and her had attached the stone to a chain, she didn't knew what the stone was for exactly but she had kept her promise and held it close, just like Sirius did.

She was worried about the students at Hogwarts and determined than ever to stop Voldemort from causing more damage to the world. They were still staying at their department but as soon as they came back from work, they worked through all the possibilities of where another Horcrux could be.

But it seemed like she finally understood where to start. They had already destroyed three Horcruxes. Slytherins locket, Riddles diary and the Gaunt's ring. These objects all carried a meaning and Talea decided that the other ones would also have a reason behind them.

She tried to find some information with her seer abilities but she hasn't received any all this time, until now. It wasn't precise but Talea knew that at least one of the Horcruxes had something to do with Hogwarts.

"But which object has a clear connection to Hogwarts?" asked Peter after she told them her thoughts. James and Remus were seated on the couch, Peter resting in an armchair while Talea and Sirius sat on the floor in front of the warming fire.

"Well, Slytherins locket has a connection to the school. It's an important object of one of the founders" stated Remus.

"Didn't Gryffindors sword belong to Godric Gryffindor himself?" asked James.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now