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~ If it matters to you, you'll find a way~

~ If it matters to you, you'll find a way~------------

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The weeks went by and I hadn't been this happy for a long time. Sirius seemed to keep his promise when he said that he only wanted me to be happy and even became friends with Calix. I have been able to foresee more and more details in my predictions and wanted to try to pick a more difficult topic soon.

Frank Longbottom was once again to blame for me having to get up at five in the morning, as he felt the need to prepare his team at least an hour before the actual game, at least mentally.

That's why I was stumbling around in my bedroom so early in the morning. I wasn't trying to wake anyone up but I was certainly not a morning person and so my eyes weren't even remotely open when I accidentally stumbled into Alice's bedpost.

"Merlin Talea, why the hell are you up already" groaned Alice, trying to go back to sleep.

"Do me a favour and kill your boyfriend, alright?"

Alice frowned, pulled her blanket up to her chin and mumbled "I think I like him better alive" before falling asleep again.

I snickered and stumbled out of the dorm room into the common room, where I was met with a set of red-haired twins who were in a deep discussion.

"How the hell are you two able to keep your eyes open."

"Talea, lovely to see you here!" beamed Fabian.

"To answer your question, we never closed our eyes" smirked Gideon.

"You didn't sleep?"

They chuckled and replied at the same time "Exactly."

"Don't let Frank hear you say that."

"Don't let me hear what?" asked a new voice.

I groaned and let myself dramatically fall onto the red couch in front of the fire place.

Frank was angry when he heard that the twins hadn't slept and made a 30-minute speech to the team about being fit and rested before a quidditch match. This was followed by the usual threat that if we didn't win, he would most likely drown us in the black lake. To be honest, I didn't know if he was joking or not.


"I don't want to play against the Puffs" I whined, banging my head on the table.

Sirius chuckled and patted my hair while munching on his toast "Why not? You always liked playing Quidditch."

"I know but they're so polite while playing. I'd rather they make me angry so I can jam my elbows into their bodies. Instead, they apologise when they knock the ball out of my hand? Why do they apologize!?"

James laughed and replied "Well Shadow, it seems to me that you don't want to win against Hufflepuff because you don't want to upset your boyfriend."

At the mention of Calix, Sirius stopped briefly, but then continued patting my head.

"Definitely not, I have a bet that we're going to win this game and I'm certainly not going to lose it."

At that moment Frank walked past us and said "That's the spirit Talea! You see, this is how you guys should behave instead of staying up all night planning pranks on Filch!" He pointed his finger at Gideon and Fabian, who both flinched a little, shocked by the outburst.

I took my head off the table and turned to the twins and send them a teasing smirk. They just looked at each other and send me the finger at the same time while smiling sweetly at me.

"Talea Lupin is in possession of the Quaffle and throws it to Fabian Prewett. He drops it, Gideon takes over and throws back to Lupin. Talea throws and scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!"

Cheers ring out from the stands and the Hufflepuffs applaud us. They are really too sweet for this world.

"The score is now 150 to 80, Gryffindor in the lead and- what is this? Potter and Bones both seem to have spotted the snitch! They both stretch out their arms, flying towards the middle of the field. Now it's all about speed."

I turned around to see the spectacle too, it seemed everyone was holding their breath. The two Seekers came closer and closer to the ground, trying to catch the snitch. I hold my breath, James and Bones were still flying next to each other , stretching their arms, trying to catch the snitch. Bones pulled back, afraid of crushing head first into the ground but James kept going. And then finally-

"James Potter catches the snitch, Gryffindor wins!"

We cheered and flew to the middle of the field where James was already standing, holding his arm up with the snitch clutched tightly in his hand. I ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug.

The Hufflepuffs went over to our team and congratulated us for our victory.

An arm grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the commotion. " Seems like you won the bet."

I smiled at Calix and replied " Seems like it" before connecting our lips.

A clearing of the throat separated us and I looked around to see an awkward looking Sirius standing there.

"I don't want to disturb you but I haven't congratulated Talea yet."

Calix smiled at Sirius and said "No problem, see you later Talea!"

Sirius went up to me and pulled me into his arms "You played well, even if you didn't want to hurt the Puffs."

I laughed and replied "You played well too for a boy with no talent."

Sirius gasped and clutched his heard "That really hurt my feelings, love."



I was so ready for this winter break; I couldn't bear to look at any more books and the teachers acted as if they could use a break from the students. I was happy to have finally arrived at Kings Cross after this long train journey and happily walked through the long aisle of the train trying to find the exit. I had just stepped off the train when I heard my name being called.

"Talea!" I turned around to see Calix running towards me with a bright smile.

"Thought you could leave without a goodbye, didn't you?"

I grinned, "Never."

Calix engulfed me in a hug and kissed my forehead "Have fun, see you next year."

"You too, don't forget do write me please, I don't know if I can get through the holidays with the boys without permanent damage."

Calix laughed and nodded his head "I don't know, maybe I'll just let you suffer."

"Don't you dare."

He shrugged and pulled my chin up to give me a kiss "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." He smiled and turned around he went to a girl with short blond hair around his age and disappeared in the crowd.

After I said my goodbyes to my friends I made my way through the crowd ran into my parents arms when I found them. I am glad to see them again and I look forward to spending time at my home and seeing my aunt and uncle again.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now