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~you didn't go through all that for nothing~

~you didn't go through all that for nothing~----------

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I stood in a dark room; the only source of light was the moon that hung up in the sky. I was watching a boy in front of me, black hair and dark eyes that were filled with nothing good. I knew this boy, I saw him before in my visions, but unlike last time I now knew his name. Tom Marvolo Riddle. But at this time, he wasn't Voldemort, not yet, he seemed my age. 

The shabby room was filled with nothing but a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and a small window. Riddle held a black notebook in his hand that seemed like a diary. He laid it down onto the desk when someone knocked at the door. A girl with bright blue eyes and long blonde hair stepped in, she was truly beautiful. 

"Hello Tom" greeted the blonde, she walked up to him and pecked his lips. She seemed nice, at least nice enough to not to be with the darkest wizard of our time. 

Riddle smiled charmingly; this charming smile could probably fool anyone but knowing his future you could make out that this smile was a complete lie. "Nice to see you Alvah." 

He turned around to his desk and grabbed the notebook. "Come on, we can't do it in here, we need a place that isn't as busy as this orphanage." 

Alvah seemed hesitant "Are you sure that you want to do this Tom? It's dangerous and-" He grabbed her wrist roughly and pulled her with him out of the room. 

"Shut your mouth, I need you to be by my side if something happens." I followed them through the dark corridors of the mentioned orphanage. The girl seemed a little frustrated, scared even and tried to get her wrist out of his grip. 

They were just closing the door behind them and walked down the stairs onto a rather busy street when she hissed "Stop pulling me with you, I can walk on my own. I'm just making sure that you are completely sure that you want to do this, you'll be immortal do you know that?" She held her wrist and asked softly "What happens when I grow older and you are still the same, why do you never think of what I want? You do know that I love you, right?"

He stopped in his tracks, he closed his eyes and it seemed like he wanted to calm down before he turned to the girl, the same charming smile on his face "I'm honoured that you care about me this much Alvah" he grabbed her hand softly and looked in her eyes "Don't you want to be immortal too? We could be together forever, you and I, side by side." He tilted his head slightly and took both of her hands in his and spoke in a calming voice "Don't you understand? I'm doing this for you, for us, Alvah. Because I love you." 

The girl seemed to brighten up a bit, she smiled softly and kissed him on the lips. "Okay, I'll do it in a few years but not now... I'll help you to get through it first." 

The vision faded slowly and I let out a gasp. I blinked a few times, getting used to the brightness of the room until I opened them. I sat in the Room of Requirement, the crystal ball in front of me. It was the first time that I succeeded in seeing Riddle's past willingly. I tried the past few months, trying to get any information but this was the very first time that I succeeded. 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now