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~Somewhere between emotional and emotionless~

~Somewhere between emotional and emotionless~----------

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A week past by and I felt like I was watching my life from afar. It felt blurry as if I had no control over my body, as if my mind was far gone. I felt like I could feel oceans but could only express a drop. Emotionless, lifeless, cursed. They told my ability was gift, I thought it was a curse. I might have been optimistic about changing the future at first but after a short amount of time I felt hopeless. Ironic isn't it? My name is Talea Hope Lupin and I shall bring what my name implies but how? How do I know that I changed the future? I was exhausted.

And then there was the Butterfly effect. That even slight imbalances in starting conditions lead to huge final variations in outcome because of the fundamental instability of the system. What if the changes will bring worse scenarios?

And could I really save them all? I knew that I had to try and find a way but every time I looked at anyone of the people I saw in my vision, I felt my throat going dry and my vision blurry from rising tears.

Everyone seemed to notice a slight change in behaviour and asked if I was okay but I couldn't tell them that they would end up death, being tortured into insanity or in Azkaban, right? And then there was Peter. The person that will betray us, the person that is responsible of the death of Lily and James and responsible for sending Sirius to Azkaban even if he wasn't guilty. Now, I understood why his Animagus form was a rat, it's because he will rat us out.

But somehow, I wasn't angry anymore. He always followed those he thought were the strongest, he was someone that wanted to feel like he belonged somewhere, he was a follower not a leader. And I think that is what makes him easy to manipulate. Maybe, if I made him feel special and appreciated, he wouldn't switch sides.

But I couldn't. I couldn't seem to get out of this trance. I felt oppressed by all the stress, by the thoughts, by the future. The last week went by in complete blur, I didn't even remember eating something or talking to someone. I was so lost in my own mind that I forgot to live.

I knew that I had to change this, if I would go on, living this way, I would be no use. The future would happen exactly as predicted and I would let them all suffer. I didn't even know where my place was in the future I saw. Did I already die? Would I see them suffer? Or have I also seen this vision in the past of the future and did nothing about it and stayed like this?

I needed to talk to someone about it, I needed someone to pull me out of this trance. And the only person I could imagine to do this was Sirius.

We were sitting in the common room. Alice was talking with Marlene, while Lily and James were off somewhere doing Head boy and Head girl stuff. Remus was reading while Peter was munching on his sweets. I sat next to Sirius, his hand on mine, his touch was the only thing that was making me feel alive.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now