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Pain trigger warning ⛔️ (i'll let you know)

~pain~----------Pain trigger warning ⛔️ (i'll let you know)

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The boys and I spend the last few days finishing our map. The map was now able to insult several people and it was locked with a password.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

"Look Filch is coming this way, Moony go hide around that corner and Prongs be ready to throw the dung bomb."

We were currently testing the map and it seemed like it was doing its job. We were walking down an empty corridor when we spotted Filch on the map. We couldn't just let him walk away...obviously.

"Just don't get caught by Filch's wife!"

"His what?!"


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!"

I woke up from a few very annoying voices who tried to disturb my peaceful slumber. "What?!" I grumbled.

"It's your birthday Talls!" screamed an overexcited James but his cheers were muffled by a pillow that his head.

"How the hell did you get up here?!" screeched Lily.

"Magic" Sirius said while looking around.

I was forced to go to breakfast, where I was met by two red-haired brothers who almost suffocated me by hugging me.

I sat down at the table, feeling dizzy. A pain shot through my arm and I gasped. It came so suddenly, not unbearable but painful, a burning pain along my left forearm. I tried to ignore it and ate my breakfast while chatting with the others.

The day passed quickly, I didn't have a birthday party as it was the middle of the week, but I didn't feel like it either because of James and Remus's last birthday parties, which were not long ago. It was still fun; I spend the day with my friends at the black lake and in the common room.


The day was coming to an end and I quietly slipped out of the common room to go to the astronomy tower.

The pain in my arm was getting stronger, but I saw no reason to reassure the others or to go to Madame Pomfrey.

I gripped the railing so hard that my knuckles turned white, but I heard the door open suddenly and turned around.

Sirius was standing in the door frame, sending a worried glance in my direction.

"Are you okay? I saw you slipping out of the common room and you were unusually quiet today."

"My arm hurts a little and I just needed a bit of fresh air." I smiled up to him while the pain in my arm slowly started to creep up my arm.

"Oh okay I just wanted to check if you're oka-"


I didn't hear the rest of what he said. My ears started to ring and my vision blurred, the pain was becoming impossible to bear and my whole body felt like it was on fire, my arm felt like it was being torn apart.

I felt blood dripping from my nose and Sirius grabbed my arm as I fell to my knees.
I felt like I was being sucked up by something, the pain was getting worse, my head was throbbing, I felt as if all my happiness was fading away.


My vision blurred completely but slowly I saw colours again, a room appeared. A small boy was sitting there on an old bed, around him a narrow room with only a table and a cupboard. He was talking to a snake, it sounded like another language, but then I began to understand what he was saying. He ordered the snake to bite a boy, but before his sentence was finished, my vision blurred again.

The boy again, a stern-looking woman was standing in a kind of common room, I was in an orphanage. She told the children that a boy had died, he had the same name that the little boy with the snake was talking about, but he only smiled slightly.

I was pulled away again, the pain in my arm was getting worse. I saw a boy who was about eleven years old at Hogwarts, Slytherin. I watched him giving orders to two boys and writing in an old diary. I was pulled on again.
I was standing in a room full of snakes, water dripping from the walls. The boy, now much older, was talking to a huge snake, ordering it to kill.

The place changed again and I saw a corpse being carried down the stairs of Hogwarts, the boy stood in a corner and looked at the corpse with gleaming eyes.

The scene changed again and the boy was now an adult, he was standing in front of a family, a man looked almost exactly like him, "Avada Kedavra", they dropped dead.

The pain started to burn worse than ever and I felt tears running down my cheek. I saw the young man again and he said to a group of his peers, "Kill the mudbloods, our time has come". The boys bowed and replied, "Yes, my Lord."

I regained my sight, tears streaming down my cheeks as my eyes widened. All I could see was Sirius' panicked expression as my eyes rolled back and everything went black.


Cliffhanger ;)

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now