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~  Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend. ~



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The days passed at James's house, filled with laughter, joy and fun. I woke up and started to make my way to the window. I looked outside, the garden was covered with snow and ice was collecting at the window. It looked like a dream; I had the feeling that this Christmas was going to be one of the best.

I went to Sirius room and woke him up. He didn't really liked the idea of getting out of bed but as soon as I told him about the fact that it was Christmas and that the whole garden was covered in snow he jumped out of bed and woke the others.

We spend the day having a snow ball fight, eating cookies and planning mischief. The sun set as Remus dragged me to the living room to open presents. I liked to give more than I liked to receive, because the smile on the face of others made me happy.

"Who's first?" asked Remus.

"Me!" James replied not exactly surprisingly.

Peter got him a lot of sweets, Remus gave him a book about his favourite Quidditch player, Sirius got him a book on how to get a girl to go out with you as well as prank supplies and I got him an ABBA vinyl.

Peter was next and he got sweets from the four of us because apparently it's what makes him happy the most.

Remus got books from Sirius, James and me while Peter restocked his chocolate supply.
Sirius got sweets, prank supplies, a new beaters bat and a rolling stones T-shirt.

Remus gifted me a book I wanted to read, Peter gave me sweets, James gave me a mood ring and Sirius gave me a bracelet with a cat and a dog pendant.

Days passed and we were at the platform 9 ¾ again.


"Talea!" I turned around to find a very excited looking Lily Evans who pulled me in a hug.

"Lily, how was your Christmas?"

"Great and yours?"

"Same, come on let's find a compartment, did you see Alice and Marlene yet?"

January and February passed surprisingly quickly, Gryffindor won a quidditch match against Ravenclaw, Lily kept trying to stop the boys from insulting Snape and Remus's 'furry little problem' went off without a hitch.

The boys and I were sitting on a bench in the courtyard when James spoke up "Okay James and the Potters! We're going to do a fabulous prank on Filch or Sna-"

He was cut off by a confused Peter "James and the Potters?"

"Yeah, our group name."

"Our group name is definitely not James and the potters" exclaimed Sirius.

"Well, then suggest something better"

"The gorgeous animals."

"What the hell Sirius."

"No thank you."

We argued about a name for a short while until McGonagall came around the corner, surprisingly in a good mood, and asked "Well, what are you marauders up to?"

We looked at each other and smiled.

"I love you Minnie!" exclaimed Sirius.

"You're my favourite teacher!" said James at the same time.

The professor didn't look really fazed by these comments because she gets to hear these from them every day anyway.


"Would you stop stepping on my foot James?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Well, if you would walk a little faster I wouldn't be able to do so."

The marauders were trying to prank Filch as James and I walked under the invisibility cloak through the dark corridor. While Remus and Peter did the distraction, James and I performed a spell on Filch so his hair would turn bright pink.

Sirius was trying the same thing with Mrs. Norris even if it wasn't the easiest task as the cat was always around Filch.

"Come on James we have to go."

"Where is Sirius?"

"Have you seen Peter?" suddenly Remus appeared.

"He was with you."

" Well, we don't know where Sirius is."

"You know wouldn't it be cool if we had like a thing where, we could spot everyone at Hogwarts? We would never loose each other and can you imagine all the pranks we could pull?"

"That was random, James but yeah I guess it would be cool."



They just smirked at each other and pulled Remus to the Gryffindor tower, not caring if Sirius or Peter got detention.


It's almost embarrassing how bad this chapter is -.-

See ya kiddos

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now