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~ Be the change that you wish to see in the world ~

~ Be the change that you wish to see in the world ~----------

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I woke up with a start. I was blinded by bright light as I tried to open my eyes. I looked around the room trying to recognize where I was.

I was lying in one of the hospital beds, it was dark outside, as I looked to my side, I saw a sleeping figure, Sirius. He was holding my hand rather tightly as if he was afraid that I would slip away. I tapped Sirius, trying to wake him up.

He stirred and when he looked up to his eyes went wide and he beamed "Talea, you're awake, are you okay, do remember what happened? You started screaming and then you-"

I cut him off by saying "Yeah I'm alright, I guess and I remember what happened, well I- it was very confusing, I just don't know why it happened. Uh I- maybe I should speak to Dumbledore about it." I stuttered a little, still a little bit confused about what happened.

I remembered the pain and the boy but I still couldn't figure out what exactly happened.

"It's okay, love. I'll get Madame Pomfrey."


Sirius has many nicknames for me, but this one was new. I tried to ignore the tingling in my stomach that was now happening more and more often when he was around me.

My arm was still burning a little, so I pulled up my sleeve to have a look at it and let out a gasp. There was a long scar on my left forearm, that faintly looked like a snake, which was definitely not there before.
I pulled my sleeve down as I saw Sirius coming back with Madame Pomfrey.

"Miss Lupin! How are you? You really scared us, I couldn't figure out why you fainted or why you suddenly started bleeding from your nose and mouth. I checked and everything seems to be okay."

"I feel fine, just a little tired. May I speak to Professor Dumbledore?" I responded.

She looked at me with worry and said "Not now, it's the middle of the night. I'm sure you can speak to him tomorrow but right now I need you to rest."

"I have classes tomorrow."

"It's Saturday, dear. You were asleep for about three days."


"Don't worry, Evans took notes for you they're over there look." Sirius chimed in.

I looked at the bedside cabinet next to me and saw a stack of notes. I really had to thank Lily for this. Madame Pomfrey turned around and left.

"Are you sure that you're okay, Talls? You suddenly started to scream and you dropped on your knees. Your nose started bleeding and after a few minutes blood came out of your mouth. I was terrified and I didn't know what to do." By now tears were forming in his eyes and his grey eyes were looking directly into mine.

"And then you just stopped screaming and you blacked out, it looked like you were in pain, so I carried you to the hospital wing. I was so scared, you looked so pale and blood was smudged all of your face. I thought that I had lost you."

I wiped his tears and pulled him onto my bed. "Come here, I'm fine. I'll explain what happened tomorrow, but I'm really exhausted and just want to sleep. Okay?"

He nodded and opened his arm for me so I could lay my head on his chest. I cuddled into him and he stroke my hair until I was asleep.


I told Sirius everything the next morning and showed him the scar. He was just as confused as me but told me that he would go with me to Dumbledores office. I needed answers.

After Sirius convinced Madame Pomfrey to let me out of the hospital wing, we went to Dumbledores office.

"Shit, we don't have a password for the Gargoyle" Sirius mumbled.

"Can't we just knock or something? I replied.

"Unfortunately, not but you are lucky to meet me here. I was just on the way to my office."

We turned around to see Dumbledore in all his glory while holding a set of knitted socks. I always thought that he was a bit weird but I guess that's what makes him so funny.

"Come on."

He led us past the gargoyle, up a stone staircase to his office. He said down on a chair and asked us to sit down too.

"How can I help you two? I suppose it is about what happened a few days ago."

"Yes sir, I wanted to ask if you could help me. Well, it was my sixteenth birthday and I had such a sharp pain in my arm all day. I just ignored it during the day because I didn't thought anything of it. In the evening I went to the astronomy tower and there I met Sirius. The pain became unbearable and my ears began to beep, my vision blurred and then it was as if I had seen the memory's of a boy."

Dumbledore listened very closely and looked very interested as he asked "What do you mean by that? "

I told him about the little boy I saw and how he spoke to a snake. I told him about the Orphanage, that he was a Slytherin and that he spoke to a giant snake like creature.

Dumbledore's face suddenly showed a sign of recognition, but it was only so brief that I thought I might have imagined it.

"Were you able to understand what he told the snake like creature?"

"Yes, he ordered to kill."

Dumbledore's face didn't hold any emotion but, in his eyes, flickered with worry. "Are there more things you saw?"

"I saw how he killed three people. One of them looked very similar to him." Sirius grabbed my hand to comfort me.  He knew that I didn't like this memory at all.

"There was more. He told some guys that it was time to kill muggleborns and that their time has come." I added a little bit scared of what the guy meant by that.

"What did the others answer?" asked Dumbledore.

"'Yes, my Lord.' And I've also got this scar on my forearm." I pulled up my sleeve and showed him.

Now his emotions were clearly visible. He was shocked, but he had a look on his face as if a big question had finally been answered.

He snapped out of it and spoke "I fear that I can't answer your questions today but I think that you had some kind of vision, Talea."

"But I'm not a seer, I've never had something like this before" I answered shocked.

"There are many seers who discover their gift only in the course of life. I think that you should start some lessons with Professor Camplyn to understand and master your abilities."

"Sir, do you mean the divination professor?" asked Sirius.

"Yes, I would suggest that you start these lessons next year so you can study for your O.W.L.'s for the rest of the year. I would advise you to keep that information to yourself and tell only your closest people about it. "

Sirius and I walked out of the office, overwhelmed with the news, not knowing that this would turn my life upside down.


I don't like this chapter :/

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now