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~May you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten~

~May you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten~----------

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Three death eater attacks in one week. And every single one was connected to fire. The first was on a Monday, Landon and Emmeline Vance were attacked by death eaters but the Order saved them before they got seriously injured. The only Problem was the fact that they burned their house down. 

On Wednesday Fabian Gideon's girlfriend, Olivia Martin, was attacked in the middle of a muggle street; she was able to get away before the houses on the street exploded, burning five family homes to ashes, killing fourteen muggles. 

On Saturday Isaac Fenwicks house was set on fire by death eaters but he was able to get out in time, just like Benji Fenwicks little sister and his mother. 

"And remember to set a fire."

"Why, my Lord?"

"They'll know." 

Talea started to grow anxious. Why would Voldemort burn down several houses? What was she missing? If he would want his victim's death, he would make sure that there's no way out, it was too easy. There's no way that all of them were able to get out without a scratch. She came to the conclusion that he really wanted to set a sign. 

"Ten for a sign you must not miss."

There was a missing piece, that stopped Talea from finishing the puzzle of danger. The only thing she was sure about that the fire was a sign for Alvah Fawley but she couldn't connect the dots to whatever sign he meant yet. Why did he choose these people? Was there a reason that death eaters attacked them, if the answer is yes, what do they have in common? 

She let out a frustrated groan, hitting the wooden floor with her fist. "Stop worrying about the attacks Talea, I bet the sign was for Dumbledore, not for you" said Peter, leaning his head back onto the couch. She let out a sigh and looked around the common room "Where is Remus, I could really use his mastermind right now." 

James shrugged, looking up from his parchment "I guess he's with Eloise, he told me that she's kind of going through something right now, but she wouldn't tell him what's wrong." 

Talea nodded her head and intertwined her hand with Sirius's who was sitting next to her on the ground, his back leaning on the couch. It was true, the sparks in Eloise eyes seemed to be replaced with emptiness. She had bags under her eyes and the usually fresh Harebell in her hair slowly started to wither. 

Sirius raised a brow at James "What are you doing?" 

The brown-haired boy looked up and replied calmly "Homework, you should start doing that too." Peter laughed at Sirius horrified face "What happened to 'I will never do homework, it's useless and boring'?" 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now