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~La mort n'est pas loin~

~La mort n'est pas loin~----------

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Their heads snapped to the direction of the voice, Taleas eyes widened in shock but her emotions quickly turned into anger when her eyes settled on the person near them. 

His hair was not as not as neatly as in the past and a new scar was added to his face, long and red across his cheek. Talea should have known that Voldemort had punished them for his own failure just like she should have known that the death eater had been Ivar Marshall. 

But there was one difference between the two statements, she didn't care about the first one. 

"Rockwood" acknowledged Regulus, daring to raise his voice first. 

Augustus head turned towards the youngest Black "Ah, the traitor. Do you still thing it was the right decision to meddle with their side?" 

"I do, unlike you I am capable of seeing all of the wrong things your people do."

"How do you know what's right or wrong blood traitor?" sneered Rockwood, his eyebrows furrowing in anger. 

"I'm not a psychopath."

This seemed to have angered Rockwood even more "Stop talking or-"

"Or what?" asked Talea, tilting her head to the side "What are you even trying to do? It's one against six, I don't want to offend you dearest but I think that we would beat you easily. "

The death eater raised his wand at them "Then try it-"

"Stupefy" Sirius had shot a spell into his direction and his body clashed against a cabinet, unconscious. Sirius gave him an almost bored look "This is actually sad; I was up for a challenge."

Remus shoved him slightly "Then go and destroy the diadem and the cup." 

Sirius looked around the room in confusion "Right here? Right now?" 

"I thought you were up for a challenge" Remus pulled out a small bag out of his pocket and let a silver knife fall into his palm. 

But when Talea looked a little bit more carefully, she noticed that it wasn't a knife, in fact it was a tiny version of Gryffindors sword. 

"Is that-" Peter was interrupted when Remus gave him a nod "Yeah, I thought it would come in handy if we found a Horcrux. I simply shrieked it; the charm is not going to last for a very long time anyways."

James carefully took it out of Remus hand and laid it onto a cabinet, waving his wand over the sword and within a second it went back to its original form.

The bespectacled boy looked at Talea and asked "Can I destroy the diadem?"

"Why wouldn't you be able to?" she gave him a questioning glance as she placed the diadem into his hands. 

James eyes followed her movement "Well- I just thought that-" 

"This is not just my fight Prongs, we are all in this together" Talea gave him an encouraging smile. 

"Yes, but you will be in pain" he looked unsure of what to do, the Horcrux still in his hands. 

"This is not the time to be selfish James, I can't refuse to let them be destroyed, only to avoid my own pain while thousands of others are suffering every passing second." 

"And it's not the time for sentimental conversations while this annoying death eater could wake up any minute" Remus interrupted, his feet nervously tapping onto the ground while his eyes looked back and forth between his cousin and the Rockwood. 

"You have been very moody lately Remus, already going through the menopause-" Talea's teasing was interrupted by her letting out a grunt of pain. 

She gritted her teeth as she sunk to the floor, it felt as if a part of her soul was being ripped apart in the worst way ever, pain shot through her body like an old friend. Sirius kneeled down next to her and just as she wanted to try to look up to James, his body shielded her from the sight and he pulled her into his chest. 

The diadem was destroyed. 

Another Horcrux was gone. 

They were getting closer to defeat Voldemort. 

They were getting closer to finally lift the dark curtain, to burn the darkness to ash and light up the world with the hopeful fire that burned in their hearts. 

Just when Talea was able to breathe again, another flash of pain struck her body. Two Horcruxes at once, this was a bad idea. It would only weaken her more but the same thing would happen to Voldemort. Maybe it wasn't an entirely bad thing. 

But then again, maybe it was. They were in a school full of enemies, searched by the most powerful wizard alive and wanted dead by so many. There was no perfect time to be vunerable but this was certainly not even a slightly okay moment. 

Her lungs were burning while her whole body lit up in flames, every single time a Horcrux got destroyed it felt like someone was lightening a flame in her body but after the pain was gone, it was as if her heart glistened over with ice. As if she was loosing a part of herself. 

"Talea are you okay?" the worried voice of James helped her back to reality, helped her to push the pain away, even though it was still there, it was not as bad as before. 

"It's alright Jamsie" muttered the girl, Sirius pulling her up to stand on her feet again. 

He brushed a hair that fell into her face behind her ear and placed a kiss on her forehead. She hated to see him worried, it pained her every time when any other emotion than happiness was flashing over his face. 

He was her whole world and he deserved the whole universe but that was impossible, impossible to achieve for anyone else but especially impossible to achieve for her. 

They pulled themselves out of their trance and she intertwined her hand with his as she turned around to the others "Now, we only have to find a way out of here-"

Suddenly Rockwood started to move again but Regulus was quick to hit him unconscious again. 

They waked back to where they had come from, the huge door getting closer and closer to their reach. Talea could only hope that no one was standing in front of these doors, she couldn't see the hallway outside but she knew that if someone would catch them it was over, it could only be luck that would help them escape. 

Her hand reached for the doorknob but it was pushed away by another, James gave her a short look before opening the door carefully and slipping out his head to see if anyone was in sight. 

It seemed like it wasn't. 

James slipped into the dark corridor, the others trailing behind. They were careful to move into the shadows and sneaked back to the moving staircases that would lead them back to the One-Eyed Witch. 

James put a hand onto the banister of the stairs when a rustling noise could be heard. Their heads snapped around in panic but they were met with darkness. 

Talea had never seen the corridor so dark before, it wasn't just dark, it was pitch black and she wasn't even able to see her own hands. Her head snapped up in realisation but too late, James cry was muffled by a hand that covered his mouth and just as she wanted to shoot a spell at whoever that was, the corridor got even darker and darker. It took her a moment to realise that she was slowly slipping into unconsciousness, her body hitting the cold stone with a thud.


Is this chapter a very unuseful filler that is way too short? Yeah, I guess I am sorry for this.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now