
459 23 16

~only you can decide what breaks you~

just act like there's a usual gif right here but i have extremely bad wi-fi so i can't download one 


Talea rushed through the gardens and slipped behind the hedge without anyone noticing her. She looked around and saw Sirius doing just the same she did a few seconds ago and made her way towards him carefully. 

As she grabbed his arms, his head snapped around in alarm but when he noticed it was her, he pulled her into his chest.

And for a moment, they just stood there, in each others arms, holding each other tight, as if they would never let go. 

She felt the shirt under her dampen from her tears. She had missed him so much and even though she was in pain she couldn't care less if he was touching her wounds, her heart clenched at the thought of ever letting him go again. She never knew that one could miss another person so much. Of course, she had missed her friends and even thinking of Remus broke her heart.

With Sirius it was something else, it was a kind of ache in her heart she couldn't quite place, maybe it was the way she missed his laugh, the way his eyes lit up whenever he was surrounded by his friends or the way how he looked at her as if she had hung up all the stars in the sky. 

Maybe it was the way she missed his hand brushing through her hair whenever she felt like dying from all of the pain or maybe it was just the way her soul reached out to his, filling her body with a tingling feeling, as if stardust tickled her skin. The way her eyes scanned through the crowds, settling on him, as if he was her whole universe.

And now, as his hand brushed though her hair and his scent filled every part of her mind with love, she felt safe. For the first time in what felt like forever, she felt safe. Even if Bellatrix was so close to them, in the mansion they had just escaped, even if she would stand right in front of her, she would feel safe. Because now, her heart finally found its home again and she knew that this horror was just a memory now, Talea felt as if she could fight anyone, if he was just by her side. 

Her hands trembled as she pulled away. He was crying too, Sirius grabbed her face in his hands and placed a kiss onto her temple. Oh, how she had missed this, how she had missed him.

A branch snapping made their heads turn to the side. Talea immediately grabbed Sirius arm as her eyes widen. The hooded figure was standing near them and Talea loosened her death grip around Sirius arm, she gave the figure a smile "Thank you for everything" her voice was quiet as her throat still felt dry and she was scared to make too much noise. 

The figure gave her a nod "It was horrible to see you this way. Even though I would love to join your little cuddle session, I am pretty sure that you should apperate now, I don't know how much time they need to figure out that we're not in the mansion anymore." 

Sirius face held a weak smile "Thank you," his expression changed "I know I was an ass sometimes and I am really sorry. I missed you... I am serious."

"I know that you are" answered the figure with a hint of amusement in their voice while Sirius let out a sigh at the joke of his name. 

The figure turned around but stopped as Talea said "Wait," she grinned tiredly "How about we reveal some secrets soon?" 

The hood pulled up a little at the motion of the figure's head turning and a small smile was shown "Just tell me the place and the time and I'll be there." 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz