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A/N: hey guys so sorry for not updating! I've been working on this chapter for a while now. It's still going to have Christmas in it, and it will still be unimportant to the story line, but as you can tell by this chapter, I won't be making it completely revolve around Christmas anymore since it's been over for a while now. I know I asked you all whether I should write this or not and I did say I would and then I didn't update until now but basically after my break I became so busy and unmotivated and I finished just a bit ago. I have some good ideas for this tho! Thanks so much for reading and I swear I will try to get the next chapter out a LOT. Faster than usual so be ready lol! From me duh

Christmas. I let out a content sigh and couldn't stop the smile from spreading wide across my mouth. People waited all year round for this holiday; the levels of joy were to the max. Who wouldn't be happy at the prospect of christmas? I walked down the street of LA, casually checking the signs of the stores. I was looking for a cafe, and I was determined to find one.

Although I was excited to be in Los Angeles, I would miss the snow and the feeling I would get when the chilly air brushed my face. I closed my eyes and imagined the picture- perfect snow, just fallen and decorating the trees beautifully. A wonderful white haven.

Suddenly I was brought out of my trance as two kids bumped into me.

"Sorry miss!" one said, looking up at me with big brown eyes.

"Yea we didn't mean to, honestly. I swear it on Rudolph's red nose." The other with a slightly darker complexion added, crossing his heart as a promise. I chuckled.

"I believe you. Are you both okay?"

They nodded. "I'm Charlie Decker and this is my bestest friend ever, Tom Myloch." the second boy proclaimed proudly, pointing at his friend and then holding out a hand. I shook it, amused by his formalities.

"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you boys." I helped them pick up their toy plane. "Merry Christmas!" They replied with the same wish and then ran off. I continued my walk until I found a perfect little shop;


There was a smaller sign underneath it saying:

Not exquisitely fancy though

I laughed and walked in. Immediately I smelt the scent of freshly made cookies. Mmmm. There's absolutely no smell better than that, and I'll never be convinced otherwise. The lady at the front desk looked up with a massive grin.

"Merry Christmas dear!!!! Would you like a cookie?" She ran over to me and hugged me like we knew each other. She was a cute older lady with a mischievous grin and pearl spectacles. Her grey tinted hair came out of her braid in a messy- but homely way. She ushered me over to the front and handed me a tray of cookies.

"Thank you. They smell delicious." I thought about the boys back at the hotel. "Is it possible to get 5 more? Of course I'll pay for them an-"

"Oh no no no- of course you can have some! Free in price though, it is the holiday of giving!!" She grinned widely once more and her small framed glasses reflected the sun shining through the windows. I smiled gratefully at her and went to look around the shop. Immediately I saw a beautifully handmade sketchbook. The cover was filled with an artfully drawn scene:

There was an old brick wall beside an ocean. You could tell by the reflection in the water and on the individual bricks that it was a clear sunny day. I felt so transported to the water and the large surrounding building. There was some graffiti on the wall, beautiful lettering, making it even more ragged and cinematic.

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя