No Control - pt 1

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Timeskip to day before they leave

Laura had come over, and I was explaining everything to her. As I talked, I became angrier and angrier just listening to myself ramble about all this crap. I hated that they were leaving, I hated having to stay, I hated Sam being in a coma, I truly was a very moody person right now. Laura must have sensed the mood change as she decided to change the subject, instead choosing to vent about how her favourite fashion school was the same place her rival was going. Ever since fifth grade Laura and our ex- friend Lindsay, have hated each other, and both swore themselves enemies. They both wore the same outfit on our fashion week in elementary, and since then they've made dressing a constant competition. So when Laura found out that Lindsay was also accepted into the school, she freed big time.

I only half listened to her rant, and bottled up the forming anger towards everyone. I didn't know where to direct my bad mood, so I needed to keep it locked away unless it would randomly burst out at some unexpecting person. Especially with Niall and the boys coming over today for a goodbye, I would be trying as hard as possible to keep it down. I may seem sweet but give me some bottled up fuse, and I can be quite mean. And seeing as the lads were a part of it, the only direction it would be aimed at, would be none other than One Direction themselves.


Knock knock knock. I scrambled up from my bed, rushing to get the door. During my conversation with Laura, my dark energy had built up, ready to explode. I was so angry and I couldn't stop myself. I would try not to, but I had a feeling this goodbye could only end one way.

Niall's POV

This was gonna be hard. Saying goodbye to y/n. Even if it wasn't forever. I hated to leave her now especially, with the circumstances. But I'd be back for her someday, hopefully soon. She let us in, and as she walked over to the couch I could tell something wasn't right. Her normal sweet vibe was covered by a dark cloud. Specifically an angry cloud. A very stormy, thundering, raining, angry cloud. Uh oh.

She tried to act as if she was fine though I could see right through her. I knew she was mad at us, well not exactly us, but the idea of us. She had so much bottled up anger and didn't know where to put it so instead her subconscious picked us as targets. I had a feeling this wouldn't end well, but I tried to keep a calming presence to ease her frustration.

At first we all talked normally, like we weren't there to say goodbye, but slowly the time came where we had to bring it up. I regretted it, but I had made my decision to leave, and she had made hers to stay. That was that.

Thankfully, Louis was the brave soldier, and took one for the team. He volunteered the first goodbye statement.

"Sooooooo, I guess we should get this thing started- er- ended I guess. Well nice knowing all of you, BYEEEE LOSERSSSS." And just like that he was gone. Or I wished he was, but we weren't so fortunate. Instead he just laughed at himself and swung his shoulder over Zayn, who stood there cool as ever. Now came the hard part. The serious part. The part I had put off until they wouldn't allow it anymore. Oh, how I wish I could just go back in time to when we were watching a horror movie together and the boys, y/n and I would laugh at the bad CGI, to when Sam was okay, to when life was simpler. But unfortunately we couldn't. The look on y/n's face made that clear.

End of chapter

A/N!!! Hey guys sorry for not updating for so long but I've been really busy with school and I didn't have any ideas or inspo for the story, but here is what I have so far!! Hopefully I'll have the rest of this chapter out soon! Thank you so much for being so patient ahhh. Anyways, I hope y'all are having a good day, month, or year lol,


Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora