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Y/n's POV

A few days had passed since the 'incident'. Once we got home, I somehow got from the car to my bedroom. Apparently I fell asleep?

Niall's POV

Yeah, that was me.

Y/n's POV

Anyways, I was curled up on the couch with the boys watching another film. I suggested we watch Notting Hill, but they boys didn't want another romance show. We ended up going with The Truman Show (which I also suggested since it's literally PER-FECT). I was seated between Louis and Harry it seemed like they were enjoying it so far. Lou had his head on my lap, and Harry was eating popcorn like a maniac. I glanced over at Niall, he looked so cute in his pjs. Liam and Zayn were fighting over the volume remote, and I had to throw my cookie at them to shut them up.

"That was a good movie!" Zayn commented once it was over.

"Yeah!! I loved it!" Niall added as he swung his arm over me. I rolled my eyes and moved his heavy and completely limp arm off of myself. Even though it was already 9, I still had to visit a shop I had walked past earlier. I saw the perfect thing for Harry in the window. I rushed into my room and quickly fixed my hair and makeup. I threw on my boots and my overcoat.

"Hey- where ya goin?" Niall blocked me from leaving.

"I have to go out! Move ya heavy lump of a rock!" I laughed and tried to push him away. Unfortunately, his height (not strength) gave him an advantage, and he stayed put. "Come on Niall, I have to get Harry something." I whispered to him.

"I'm coming then!" He looked so persistent, but I couldn't risk getting caught. I shook my head. "Oh come on, there are probably creepos waiting to stalk you at night! You can't go out by yourself right now!!" Ohhh, so that's the issue.

"Niall- I can take care of myself. Remember my ex? I'll be fine, don't worry!" I didn't look satisfied but he let me pass. I promised him I'd be back soon, and made my exit.

I walked down the road, the sidewalk curved downwards like someone had sucked all the air out of it. I had almost made it to the store, when a guy stepped out of the shadows. He radiated creepy stalker vibes, and for a moment I wished Niall was with me. I shook my head, I could take care of myself. And don't judge people by their looks. Although it was hard not to, with his overgrown, whisky tainted beard, squinty eyes, and raggy clothes that smelled like straight up smoke.

"Can I help you?" I asked him politely. He stared at me.

"You have lovely skin."

"Um- thanks?" I tried to get past him, but he stepped in my way. I backed up, ready to punch him, when out of nowhere someone tackled him. "OH-OH My god!!" The strange man got out and ran away. I looked at the man who had tackled him.

"Told you." Niall turned around and I crossed my arms.

"You followed me? Really? Where's your faith man!" He shrugged.

"I had to make sure you were safe. Which you are now- cause I saved you- your welcome by the way-" He bowed, and held his hand out. I took it and curtsied. "I guess you could say I was like your knight in shining armour." He flashed me a mischievous grin.

"More like leprechaun!" I laughed as he spun me in a circle. He gave me a sad smile, but bounced back quickly.

"ONWARDS MY LADY!" He shouted in a strange accent, and started skipping down the road with my hand in his.

"Shhhh- Niall! People are typing to sleep!" We continued down the street, still holding hands. What?? It was cold out!! It's totally platonic! "Here!" I pulled him into the store.

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