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Oh. My. GOD!!! YOU GUYS!!!! 14k reads???? Thank you so much wow. I literally can't get over this. And the comments! SO MANY!!! AHHHHHH so much serotonin y'all! I love y'all so much!

Okay now here's there actually update:

Since the last time I updated this story, so much has happened. I've been super busy with school and theatre (I got the lead yay!!), I've dated and broken up with a guy, had a lot of down days and a lot of up days, but I missed this. I am so sorry I haven't been able to update for so long. That's so annoying, I remember reading pics where the author wouldn't update and I would get so mad. When I started this I never though I would be one of them!! Unfortunately, here we are and yeah you could say I have a lot on my plate. As much as I love writing and this story, It's not my top priority in life as it's not really anything I can show people. Iv'e come a far way since it started and hope to go farther. I WILL be continuing the story, but I hate to say, I won't be very active. Iv'e seen your love for this pic, and that's why I've chosen to continue. You all mean a lot to me, and your constant support means everything. That's why, I'm mid way through a chapter now!! See ya'll soon!! Have an amazing day and week!! You are all amazing human beings and deserve all the love and kindness this world has to offer. Go out and find yourself, be yourself, and be kind to others. Imma go to school now so peace out y'all!!

From your super late as always random person on the internet, jess :)

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