I Want

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A few days had past since the incident. I had deleted all the false information that Cody had posted, and released another statement regarding the truth. Everything seemed to go back to normal. However, Niall had been unusually quiet since the fight. It was unlike him to be so restricted, and although it seemed there was nothing wrong, I was becoming more and more concerned.

"Hey- can I come in?" I stood in the doorframe of Niall's room. When he looked up at me and nodded, I crossed to sit down at the edge of his bed. "Do we need to talk?" He Gabe me a puzzled look in response.

"You've seemed down these past few days. I'm worried about you Niall. Are you okay?"

"I think I've just been unsettled, you know? It was really scary losing you, and I was worried you might like him more." He rubbed his neck and turned away.

He was scared to lose me?

"You were worried I'd choose him over you all?" He nodded. Oh. "Niall, you never have to worry about that. You're my home." I moved closer, leaning my head on his shoulder. He shifted, laying his head on top of mine. His blonde hair swept over and into my sight.

"Y/n, I don't know what we'd do without you." His lips said 'we' but as I lifted my head, his eyes showed another meaning. This man. This man and his fucking gorgeous eyes. Was it not enough that I hide my feelings from him? He had to go and look at me like that too. A thought crossed my mind. One that I'd only imagined before now, but the way he was staring at me, waiting for a sign, led me out of fantasy. What if my unrequited feelings weren't so unrequited?

Searching for an answer in his face, I realized he was doing the same. I snapped out of my trance, trying to remember what he had said.

"Probably fall apart." I laughed, trying to shake the serious mood that had settled in the room. "You know Harry can't function without me, Lou's pranks would certainly not be as good, Liam would have to keep you all in check alone, Zayn would- he would probably be fine on his own- but deep down I think he likes us, and you..."

"And me?" He repeated. My stuttering had slowed to a halt. I had always felt connected to those boys, but the bond I had made with Niall was always special. Even from that day we first met, when he had basically saved my life. I met his blue orbs with my own. Had I always known? The butterflies I had felt then still lingered. Was I so blind to my own feelings, that I pushed away all hope? And what if I did. What if we b- wait. So what? I had waited met entire life for some perfect guy that I had missed the one sitting infant of me. He had always been there for me. Through Sammy, through everything.

"Are you okay?" He barely got the words out before I grabbed his face. For a moment we just sat there. The silence was deafening and I looked at his dumbfounded face. This was it.

And I kissed him.

It didn't last very long- maybe a few seconds, but we parted smiling. I guess that answers my question.

"I like you y/n. I have for a long time. I didn't know how to say it, or if I should, but I really like you." His Irish accent rambled until I took my hands off his cheeks. I grinned as he took my hands.

"I like you to Niall. I'm sorry it took me so long to acknowledge it, but I'm trying this new thing called 'being truthful to myself', and I think it's about time."

I hugged him gently. I felt his chest rise and fall, and heard his heart beat faster. My arms hung around his neck as he gripped my waist tighter. I felt so safe with him. I shared a smile with myself. I could feel my worries disappear in an instant when I was around him. He was my lucky charm- the person I needed to fix everything. I knew I couldn't live without him anymore. I pulled away to softly kiss him again.

He was so sweet. So gentle. I felt trust with him I'd never felt before. We melted into our kiss, just grateful to be together like this. It was so new- so exciting. We had both waited for this, and the any special moments I had dreamed of were nothing in compare to this moment.

"Hey Niall, y/n, you guys wanna- oh." The voice stopped outside of the door. "YOOO!! FINALLY!!" We glanced up just in time to see Louis prance away, no doubt on his way to spread the news.

I laughed, and got up to follow him. Dragging Niall along behind me, we raced down the steps, almost tripping over each other. When we made it down, we saw all the boys in a semi circle at the dining room table. Their faces were as if they were holding in a laugh, and their hands were all neatly folded in the same position.

"What is this? An intervention?" Niall joked.

"No boy-o." Louis dismissed Niall with a wave of his hand. "We've been wondering when this would happen." Liam finished. They said they had a few questions."

"Well I don't know about you lot, but I'm quite parched. Fancy a pint as we discuss this new matter?" I knew they couldn't refuse an excuse to visit the local pub. I also figured it would get their minds off whatever 'questions' they had.

Just as I thought- I was met with a cacophony of variations of 'yes'. And as we all headed down to the bar, Niall grabbed my hand. They fit so well in yours, love.

End of Chapter


hey!! hope you all enjoyed the moment you've all been waiting for! more to come soon:)) also tf Niall's new song 'Heaven'- SO GOOD RIGHT! can't wait for the albummm.

this chapter is dedicated to my friend (you know who you are) for thinking this shit is good and for being excited when I write more:) the Louis to my Niall! love u

have an awesome day everyone!!

-that bitch again

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