Na Na Na

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After a treacherous wait at the bus stop, I finally made it to my friend's house. I knocked hesitantly, calling her name.

"Laura, I'm here."

"It's open" Her tone was relaxed, almost excited. Not what I had expected after my late arrival.

I opened the door, peering inside. Laura was standing in the hallway smiling like she had won the lottery. I quickly realized why. She was dressed in an elegant dress, with sunset colours to match the golden orange tone of her hair. I gasped silently, knowing how much it meant to her.

"I know. I know. It's a bit shiny, but it really suits me right? Ugh y/n I'm so excited. Graduation is going to be
A - M - A - Z - I - N - G!!" She squealed, and I covered my ears.

"Laura it's beautiful, and it goes perfectly with your hair and necklace! I mean, darling you look absolutely stunning" I commented using an eloquent British accent.

"Why thank you, my dear friend" She replied using the same accent. She quickly ran off to her room, coming back moments later with normal stylish apparel. Laura sat on the couch beside me and stared at me. For what seemed like minutes, we sat in awkward silence.

"So?" She asked.

"So what?"

"You have never been late before. What happened?" She said this with not an angry hint in her voice, but a curious one. I looked over to her.

"Laura, you look like an unfed dog!" She stared back at me in response, wiggling her behind to mimic a tail wagging. I laughed at her ridiculousness.

"Fine. So I was walking here with my books, and as I'm crossing the street this car comes out of nowhere with someone driving uncontrollably." Laura gasped but knew where I was going with this.

"I didn't get hit luckily, but I almost did." I explained.

"You almost got hit by a car, and the first thing you say is so what?" I stared back at her glaring face. "Then what? I mean that can't be it or you would have been here on time."

"Ugh Laura. I met a guy wh-"

"YOU MET A GUY AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" She 'calmly' asked me. (Lol she may be a bit sarcastic idk)


"Whatever. So... who is he?" Of course, she'd perked right up to the mention of boys.

As I explained to her that he was our age, transferring to our school, and the rundown of our conversation, she suddenly clasped her hands over her mouth.

"Oh my god y/n he sounds so cute, no wonder you weren't here! What's his name?"

"Niall- Niall Hornssssbyyy??"

"Niall Horan?" Her voice was suddenly dead serious, the flare gone now.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

She responded by jumping up from her position and sprinting faster than I'd ever seen her run to her room. Seconds later I heard a scream, but not a bad scream, just the type of scream Laura does when she is over-excited. She ran out of her room carrying a photo. Shoving it in my face, she asks if that's the guy I met. Suddenly I realized why he was so familiar.

"You just had a date with NIALL HORANNNN!!"

"Ummmm," The only thing my brain could process right now.

"Wait- so you guys talked for an hour and a half, and he didn't tell you he was a super famous singer?"

My mind was swirling, doing backflips. More like trying to do backflips. We talked about him for the rest of the time, Laura telling me about the band, and her 'secret' obsession. She said she liked Harry the best, although I'm not quite sure I knew what she was talking about. After a while she grabbed her computer and we lay on the couch. We began to watch the one direction auditions on X Factor. Laura had already watched this, so it automatically filled the search in, which I found hilarious. I laughed and mimicked her.

"Oh Harry, you're sooooo cuuuuteeee" I squealed, but was stopped by a whack. Laura had hit me over the head with her pillow. The video stopped as we began to have a pillow fight.

"Mwhahaha I will destroy you!" She chanted this, repeating the evil laugh.

"Hah! You sound like a dying chicken."

"Well, you try it then!" She said as she whacked me over the head with her pillow once more.

"MwAhahaAhaHa" I replied, trying not to laugh. She just laughed harder and threw a stuffy at me. I caught it and sent it back to her. Woosh, it flew across the room and landed smack onto her chest. We carried on with this for another few minutes, before we both got tired and I began to leave.

"Laura, meet me at the front door?"


We always met at the front door of our school everyday, at the same time. Then we would walk to the cafeteria, buy our coffee and split at the same place. We had a system.

I waved furiously at her as I headed towards the bus stop. In reply she waved back, using a princess wave instead. I laughed, and heard the bus come around the corner. As I hopped on I saw a blonde kid at the back of it. Niall? I hoped it was Niall. The boy looked up, catching my glance. Dang. Wasn't him. Did I want it to be him? Why? I sat down as the bus started moving and stared out the window. Maybe I'll see him tomorrow. Or not, it doesn't much matter. I thought, covering my previous thoughts. This kid was seriously messing with my head.

As I looked out the window, I was fascinated by the scenery, and let him slip from my mind for a moment. It was a peaceful town, covered in beautiful forests and grasses. The flowers had begun to bloom, as it was almost spring. It was so beautiful, I wish it would always look like this.

End of chapter


Heyo. Hopefully you are liking this story so far. That chapter was not as exciting, sorry, but it was necessary. Next chapter will have Niall don't worry! Anyways, since we are in quarantine, I have tons of time to write chapters! I even have a few fully planned out. I don't have a particular day I post chapters, I just do it when I finish them! I'll try to update as much as possible, but sometimes with my life I get very busy, so sorry in advance if I take a sec to post. Anyways! Next chapter is almost done, so look out. (The absolute 0% reading this) byeee!

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu