Never Enough

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A/n guys! Hey so I just wanted to let you know that this short chapter is basically for fun, and just one of my random ideas. It doesn't have anything to do with the story line, so you can skip it. Idk, I just felt like taking a small break from the massive chapters, and this gives me the opportunity to think of more ideas for the next chapters.

Ps: I'm writing this with a horrible headache with 2 Advils and 2 Tylenols (and possibly more soon), because they aren't working. Just go with it;


I heard distant talking, it sounded like the muffled voices of the boys. I squinted into the dark space, wondering what the time was. Rubbing my eyes, I got up lazily. Suddenly the black room became visible. Too bright. I stumbled over, unable to see anything. Luckily something caught me though.

"Woah there!"


"Too brighttt." He chuckled, and picked me up. We walked out of the room, tied together. I was still half asleep, but I was NOT falling off. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. My head rested on his shoulder, and my eyes were closed. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I didn't have enough energy to stop him or even ask him.

I assume he brought me to the kitchen, cause I heard the other guys and some clanging sounds. Too early. Or late. Doesn't matter, I'm still up, and I shouldn't be. I was clinging on to Niall for dear life. As he ran up the stairs. Bump. Bump. Bump.

"Oi, Niall, is she alive?" (Possibly?) Louis said. It could have been anyone. Can you tell I'm not a morning person?

Click. I was awake.

"YES but for what? Why am I awake at this ungodly hour? You fools better have an explanation." I barked, annoyed as heck to have been dragged out of bed. They stared at me with vacant expressions. "Well? I'm waiting."

"Well, umm, we were just talking about what to..."

"SPIT IT OUT FOR GOD'S SAKE HAROLD!" I whisper yelled at him, earning frightened faces from the rest.

"What to eat. Our buddy here, Niall, thought he could eat all the food. We're all really hungry." Liam helped Harry out, continuing his sentence. Niall protested against his eating habits, but I cut him off.

"You WHAT?!?" The whisper yell wasn't much of a whisper anymore. "I am NOT a morning person, nor should I be. It is 5:00 in THE MORNING!! I am awake because you are hungry? Are you serious? Don't you know that I need sleep? Don't you need your sleep? Argh, I swear boys, it's like you think I'm your mother!" I ranted for about a minute. Their terrified looks hopefully meant they wouldn't be loud monkeys again. I sighed.

"Alright." I gave in to their puppy dog eyes.(why do people say puppy dog when it's one or the other?)

"So, what are we eating guys?" They carried on with their conversation from before I was so rudely awakened.

"Well, I make the best chocolate chip cookies. It's a family recipe. Our homemade chocolate-froot loop- cookies." I added into the conversation. They had involved me by waking me up. I guess they didn't purposely do it, but they were being horribly loud.

"Froot loops? In cookies? No way." Poor Zayn, he had no clue. I nodded forcefully, intent on having my way. The scared boys gave in quickly.

"Lou, you and Zayn grab the dry ingredients, Harry get the wet ingredients, Liam get the bowls out, and Niall grab the spoons and mixers. Go!" I sat and watched them scramble to find the right things. I yelled out each ingredient, while sitting on the couch. Who knew getting these crazy boys to have order was fairly easy? Just slap some fright and directions and boom; your very own band at your service.

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now