Little Black Dress

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I woke up slowly, my eyes adjusting to the warm light. For a moment I forgot where I was, and I flinched at movement beside me. I turned over to see Niall. We had gotten closer overnight, and his hand was still holding me by my waist. I felt like a stuffed animal. I was still in last night's clothes, but my hair was a mess. Louis walked out of his room smirking. He walked over to us, and held up his phone.

"Morning, love." His phone showed a picture of Niall and I sleeping. Honestly, it was pretty cute, but I masked my true emotions with an annoyed face. He just quietly laughed.

"Mornin' idiot. Mind helping me out?" He shook his head with a cheeky grin. After attempting to remove myself from Niall's grasp, I gave up and shook him gently.

"Niall. Hey, Niall. It's morning, love." I whispered softly to a peaceful, sleeping Niall. My stomach growled, oh god I could SO go for some waffles. Or pancakes. Or French toast. Or anything. My stomach grunted in agreement. He still didn't wake up. Gosh he was a heavy sleeper. "Hey sleepy head, it's time to get up. I may die of hunger soon, so you may want to let go." Whispering softly, I poked his nose. He repositioned himself, nudging closer to me. Awe, how cute. Gah! No, damn it!

"Niall wake up! Come on, it's like you're in a coma for god's sake! Love, it's time to get up!" I whispered slightly harsher, wiggling away.

"Mmmmnnnn." I hummed as his eyes fluttered open. Ha! Mission accomplished. "What's for breakfast? So hungryyyyy." His low, gruff morning voice was adorable. He sighed in contempt.

"You have to get up first, then I'll make everyone some breakfast, okay? Just let go." He released me in slow motion, but jumped up quick when he heard the word 'breakfast'.

I entered my room and got changed into a quick outfit. My ripped jeans, a dark long sleeve and band T-shirt over top. I combed my knotted hair out, and left it down. When I walked out again, a lovely smell captured my senses.

"Tea or coffee y/n?" Liam asked me.

"Tea please!" I responded, marvelling at the sight of French toast. Yum. Magical,
wonderful, marvelous, beautiful, glorious food. I took a deep sniff in, taking in the amazing scent.

Niall sprung out of his room, a newfound energy in him. He had regenerated quickly at the sight of food. I felt that deeply, food was just, well, glorious! The boys came out of their dens, one by one, and sat down at the table. For the first while, we just ate in silence. Everyone was probably frightened at how much Niall and I were eating. Hey, don't judge, Liam makes a mean French toast.

Anyways, they finally began to talk about the concert later tonight. The phone rang though, interrupting the conversation. This time, Harry answered. After moments of waiting, Harry's eyes bulged. I thought they were gonna pop out of his skull. They didn't. He hung up, and immediately began cursing. I won't repeat the exact words he spoke but it went a bit like this:

Oh son of a monkey guys! We pooping have a fudging rehearsal in almost-" he checked his watch. "- oh corn nuts! We are already fudging late. Oh noodles! Ah nugget guys, the rehearsal!" You get the idea.

The boys' eyes widened, as they realized the same thing. The band rushed to get ready. Meanwhile I finished my breakfast and watched some TV. I was smart, and got ready beforehand.

I turned on Supernatural, and watched someone's heart get ripped out. Louis, who happened to be watching at that moment, yelled out 'Oh so you get scared watching horror films, but you can watch this bloody show?' I ignored him and continued watching. My favourite character was Sam, I mean he was kinda... very... hot.

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