Back For You

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Y/n's POV

A few days later

I was packing for the tour. I know it was quick, but honestly I was dying to get back on the road. Ah, I couldn't wait for the thrill of standing in an arena packed with glowing phones. I loved how the flashlights looked like fireflies, and how each and every person was there to support my friends. I loved knowing that they could scream and scream but at the end of the night, I would be the one going home with them.

I packed a few jeans, light and dark, and definitely ripped. I threw in a few tank tops and t-shirts. My favourite long sleeve and sweaters, and TONS of hoodies. Although, I knew I'd be stealing the lads' hoodies too. Another little thing I had forgotten I missed. A few dresses and skirts (ew) and especially my favourite green laced one. I finished up packing and went downstairs. Zayn was waiting for me when I got down.

"Hey love! You ready?" He asked, ruffling my hair. I was glad he'd gotten more brotherly with me lately, seeing as he was always the more conserved band member.

"Yup! Where are the other lads?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pointed outside. The view was lovely except for one thing. Liam and Louis. Louis was on Liam's back strangling him and Liam held an item out in front of him. I realized what he was holding was Louis's fake bird Kevin. Harry calmly watched the two wackos from the car. He sat on the front of the car but he stood up when he saw me. Oh my boys. I missed them. I remembered the one I had truly missed the most though.

"Where's Niall?" Harry responded.

"He went out to get some snacks for the road." Of course he did. I laughed. The boys and I talked while we waited for Niall. Minutes later he still wasn't back. I stood with my back to my house, facing the other boys who had finally calmed down and were now leaning on the car. Suddenly I was lifted into the air. I struggled, wiggling for freedom. I was about to elbow them in the face when the person suddenly began to tickle me.

"AHAHHAHAHA- ow- AHAHAHAH- stopppp-AHAHAHA." The person holding me joined my laughter but persisted on the assault. I kicked my legs out but he held on strong. Then I realized who it was.

"Nia-hahaha-Niall stop, o-hahaha." The boys didn't even try to help me when I pleaded for mercy. "Guys- a little help here?" I struggled to keep in the laughter as I couldn't breathe.

"Alright boys- and y/n. It's time to go." Niall finally let go and I fake punched him in the gut. He breathed in and backed away, but when he realized I hadn't hit him he fell over. I heard a big gasp of air and a weak 'help'. I walked over to him and helped him up.

"Got any good snacks?"

A few hours later

"SNACKSSSSS!!!" Niall yelled.

"TIME FOR SNACKS EVERYONE. COME AND GET YOUR SNACKKKSSSS" I helped him hand out some simple shnacky shnacks. The boys just shook their heads.

"Unlike you hippos, we don't need to be constantly eating." Louis told us very snotty-like. I frowned dramatically at them and pretended to faint.

"No snacks? I've never heard of such horrors." I deadpanned and glared daggers at Lou.

"Oh what unfortunate, unholy, offspring of ideas!! How could one have such terrible terrible thoughts!" Niall joined in. We grinned at each other as the other boys moaned. Niall pulled out the delicacies, presenting each one dramatically.

"First, we have the scrumptious twizzlers. Second, we have the sour but mouthwatering Skittles. Third, the savory Starbursts. Fourth, some BBQ and salt and vinegar-"

"How aren't y'all 40 million pounds?!" Zayn exclaimed. I shoved him. Hard.

Niall continued as if the interruption hadn't happened. "-chips. Fifth,  fulfilling pepperoni sticks and cheese. And sixth, some Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate bars." He smiled widely at me. "Good snacks?"

"Perfect." Niall had remembered all my favourite things to snack on and got them all. The only thing missing was...

"Pretzel sticks and goldfish!!" I threw my bag at him and it landed in his lap. He looked up and laughed. Last time I was traveling with the boys, Niall and I had found out we shared a passion for snacks and especially mixed ones. So we came up with our own mixed baggies. We called them the Niall-y/n flavour mix. We included pretzel sticks, goldfish, and jerky.

"No jerky? You wimping on me, ma'am?" I shook my head apologetically. "That's alright, I brought my own." He pulled out a bag of Canadian beef jerky and dumped it into my bag. He grinned evilly and said I could only have it if I could tell him one thing: What colour scarf he bought me weeks after we first met?

"Green." I said immediately. I loved that scarf. It reminded me of my leprechaun. He shook his head. "What???" I said, confused.

"Actually it was shamrock." I shook my head in disbelief.

"You rat!!!" I jumped on him, reaching for the bag.

"Hey- fair is fair!" He laughed at my failed efforts and managed to pin me down only using one arm. It was an unfair fight though- and had I been in full power- I would have kicked his butt. Maybe I'll strangle him with my shamrock scarf! I realized he had slightly let go of me and was now paying attention to Zayn. I seized my chance and grabbed the bag. I jumped off of him and sat back down in my seat. He looked over in disbelief but held his hand out. As I'm such a nice person, I took pity on him and handed him a smaller baggy full of it. For the rest of the trip we just caught up and talked about the trip. I couldn't wait to get to LA!!!

"L.A HERE WE COME!!!" Louis and I shouted at the same time, causing Liam to drop his coffee on Zayn. Niall burst out laughing, earning us all an evil stare from Zayn.

L.A, here I come.

End of chapter


hey y'all hope you have or had a good holiday!!! Any religion- no religion- I just hope you enjoy yourself :) I celebrate Christmas and I'm very exited even with covid!! I WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY ________ (fill in the blank) love always, the random person who you don't even know (aka jessy)

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now