Change My Mind

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"Yeah?" I looked up at the blonde man I had just run into. "Do I- do I know you?" I leaned over at Cody and whisper asked if he was one of the directioned guys.

"She lost h- she TEMPORARILY lost her memory d-"

"WHAT???" The blond guy looked over at Cody murderously. I stepped between them.

"I'm sure I'll regain it once I talk more with you." But the thing was, I had hoped as soon as I saw someone it would return.

There was another question I wanted to ask though.

"Are you- my boyfri-"

"NO, I mean no no we aren't dating no."

One part of me felt hurt, even if I didn't understand why. The other was relieved however because of a certain skater dude.

"We need to talk." He said.


For over an hour, Cody explained everything, Niall (which is his name by the way) asked a billion questions, and I sat there trying to remember everything. Then it was Niall's turn to start talking. He went over all the recent things we had done but nothing helped.

"No, Louis is the short one. Anyways, as I was saying, your brother Sam-"

"Sammy" Suddenly, as if a massive dam had broken, memories flooded my head. I saw my brother in the hospital, I saw myself in first grade getting an award for my spelling, I saw myself crying on my bed, I saw my boys singing to me, I saw Niall lifting me up in elation, I saw us opening gifts, I saw everything.

"I remember." Niall and Cody looked at eachother. "I REMEMBER!"

I looked at Niall. I had missed him without knowing it. I realized why his answer earlier had hurt so much but I didn't care. I got up and threw my arms around him. I looked over expecting Cody to look unhappy as we had an amazing time together, but he looked happy for me. He's amazing.

But Niall

Obviously Niall doesn't like me, I mean did you see how fast he said no?

But I had other things to worry about. Like Sam. After all, although my life seemed like a stupid wattpad love story, not everything revolved around my, confusing, love life.

"Niall, can you take me back to the hotel now? I need to speak with Sam." I felt bad for leaving Cody but my baby brother was all that mattered. Niall nodded and we stood up.

Cody, although a bit saddened, also looked relieved and I went over to hug him.

As I did, I whispered in his ear:

"Thank you." I got no reply but I didn't need one. I began to walk away with Niall but I felt a tug on my sleeve. Wait.

"Here- please." He passed me a note and walked away. I looked up. Niall had stopped a few feet away. He looked curious- and so was I. I opened the note, seeing his number and a small sentence.

For pretty Stella

My heart flickered.

Niall looked upset but screw that cause he didn't want to date me anyways!


It had been an hour since I got back, and I had spent it hugging the boys (especially Lou- who knew that boy was such a softy) and recovering my other memories. Everything came back fairly easily, but I wanted to go over them in my head to make sure. Freaky stuff man.

Finally I decided to call my parents. I had been putting it off- afraid of what answers I would get. I talked to my dad first, not much about Sam- I knew mom knew more anyways. But I still hadn't asked about him.

Don't be such a wimp y/n!

"Yes mom, I know, be safe. I get it."

"Well I wouldn't call losing your memory safe! Had to remind ya."

"It wasn't my faul- Okay I'll be safe I promise. How's Sam? Any different?"

"Well the doctors said his heart rate is fairly level, but no, nothing new I'm afraid."


"Yeah hon?"

"I'm scared."

"Me too."

End of Chapter

A/N: Hi! I have no clue what to say guys. Thanks for 12.3k reads though wow!!! It means a lot that you all love my story so much. When I started it I never thought anyone would read it but here we are! It's almost been a year wow. Anyways, hope you enjoyed that chapter :)

ps. I love your comments I always die laughing its awesome thanks 

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