Hey Angel

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I walked along the road on my way back to the coffee shop. I held my f/d in my hand and sipped it every so often. I listened to my music through my chunky headphones and lip synced to the words. The world seemed to stop around me as if I was the only one alive. Suddenly I saw a blur in the corner of my eye. I don't have time to move and I crash down.

Bashing my head really hard, I blink to get rid of the spots. I slowly stood up and saw a skater guy. He looked about my age and way too cute for me. His black wavy hair and green eyes were perfect and I felt as though I was in a movie. He seemed slightly familiar and I wondered where I had met him. Was he my mysterious pep talk guy? Didn't matter, he was beautiful. But, instead of being cute and clumsy I felt nauseous instead.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I nodded but became very dizzy. Stumbling, I rocked towards the street. He grabbed my arm to steady me and I felt lightheaded.

"I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy." Pep Talk looked about as convinced as I felt. I held my stomach back and tried to calm myself.

"Uh, you don't look so good are you sure-"

And I blacked out.


"Uh, you don't look so good are you sure-"

Her eyes rolled backwards and he fell towards the pavement. I quickly grabbed her waist and picked her up bridal style. Whoever the mystery girl was, she needed to get to a hospital now. I ran frantically at a taxi and it slowed down for us. Hopping in, I laid her down in the seat next to me. Her head fell onto my lap.

Come on Cody, you need to pay attention to where you're going! For god's sake you could've killed someone!

Suddenly I realized why she seemed so familiar! One Direction girl!! I can't believe I hurt One Direction girl!!! Of course that really cute girl had seen a few days earlier was the same one I just knocked out! Ugh just me luck.

I felt awful and I was determined to stay with her and make sure she was okay.

Time skip


I sprung up. What happened? I looked over to my side and there was a guy. I jumped but realized it was the skater dude.

"Oh, hey! Are you feeling any better?" I looked around and noticed I was in a hospital.

"What happened?" I didn't mean to be rude but I didn't remember anything. Like, anything. "Who are you? Who am I? Why am I here?"

"I um- I accidentally ran into you on my skateboard. You have a concussion- a pretty bad one. The nurse said you could leave once you wake up but you have to be around someone for at least 2 days."


"Well they said you'll be feeling a bit nauseous and light headed. Probably really dizzy and headache-y. It wouldn't be safe for you to be alone." I made only a small squeak of acknowledgment.

"I don't have anyone. Or I don't remember them at least. What am I supposed to do?" Right as I said that I began to feel sick and tried to get up. My head was spinning but I tried to stabilize myself and walk to the glowing sign showing where the bathroom was. I took a step forward but all the blood rushed to my head and I started to tilt. Skater dude reached forwards and held onto me so I would fall. I grunted thanks but immediately covered my mouth. Oh no.

He must have realized what was happening and he picked me up and rushed to the washroom. He let me down and held my hair back as I started to vomit in the toilet. As I puked my guts out, he explained to me that we had met just recently. He told me about my crying incident and about the 'One Direction' people. Apparently I was a mess the first time we met too!

Wow, so much for great first or second impressions am I right? Of course he had to be cute! Ugh.

Anyways, I continued on for another few minutes but finally stopped. It struck me that I would need someone to help me but who? I didn't remember anyone.

"Um- skater dude?"


"Cody- would it be alright if you wait outside for a moment please?" He nodded and said he would talk to the nurse quickly.

Cody's POV

I left the room and went in search of the nurse. Once I found her I told her she had lost her memory.

"Oh, sometimes bad concussions can lead to memory loss but in her case I'm sure it will be temporary. Are you her boyfriend?" I didn't want her to be stuck in the uncomfortable hospital so I said yes.

"Well then you can take her out whenever you see fitting." I nodded a thanks and went back to check on my mystery girl. I didn't even know her name yet- neither did she right now. I guess I could just look it up but I didn't have time yet. As I got closer to the washroom I heard sobbing. I opened the door and she was crying in a ball against the wall. I walked over to her and let her cry into me.

"What happened?" She buried her face into me.

"I- I can't remember any-anything. Not even my own na-ame."

"The nurse said it would be temporary, so don't worry. Do you want to leave the hospital? I kinda told her I knew you so I could take you home. I live with a bunch of other boys though, is that fine? It'll be a lot more comfortable and I can help you find someone you know until you get your memory back." She sniffled a yes please, and a thank you.

I helped her wash her hands and face. I used a towel to wash off the running makeup and picked her up again. I figured it would be easier just to help her out myself as she kept stumbling over. There would be a chance I wouldn't catch her at some point. Thankfully, my lie went unrecognized and after signing some paper, we got out of the hospital and I drove her back to my house. It was pretty big as it had to be with 6 boys but it was still home-y.

The mystery girl got out of the car and almost fell but I ran over and caught her thankfully. I held her waist as she slowly made her way to the front door. All of a sudden 3 boys came tumbling out of the but stopped when they saw her.

"Josh, Mack, Chris, this is-" I remembered we didn't know her name.

"Hi, I'm- I'm Stella." (If your name is Stella then Stephanie) I looked at her wondering if she remembered but she winked at me. I guess it would be easier if she had a name - even if it wasn't her own. Especially to keep them from figuring out who she actually was. I didn't want them posting that the One Direction girl was there. We would have an angry teenage stampede in minutes. I figured until I could somehow get in touch with the famous band, I would just call her Stella. Mystery girl reached her hand out to shake theirs. Hesitantly, they each shook her hand and looked at me in surprise. I was the least likely guy in the house to bring a girl home. Even though it wasn't what they thought, I blushed and grabbed her waist again.

"Come on- Stella- let's get you inside." For a moment she forgot her fake name but understood what I meant. Taking a shaky foot forwards, we passed the boys and entered my house.

End of chapter

A/N: hey guys! so I wrote this months ago knowing a was going to be doing this so im so happy im finally caught up in the story to post this. I know I just posted but imma post again, although it may be a few days before I post again cause I haven't started the next chapter (im not feeling very happy atm but ya know how it is) im sorta in a funk but I have a feeling y'all are gonna be mad at me for introducing another character. with out spoiling (sorta) I know this is technically a Niall x reader (and I swear it'll happen) nothing in life is ever easy or comes fast and so im trying to make the story realistic by adding more complications (like this new mystery man hehe) anyways tell me how all your days are cause hopefully they are going better than mine. sorry I don't have much personality today btw haha anyways bye now gtg study ;)

*update- im really sorry you guys i think the next chapter will be out next week, i just can't write anything good right now. i want to give you guys my best and i honestly can't say that right now i'm doing ok so please give me a little bit longer! thank you all so much for your patience and for being so nice to me it means a lot. i obviously won't go into details lol but it's been a bit harder for me recently due to some things happening but i swear i'll out my full effort into making the rest of this surly great for you all! thank you :)

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