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Back to normal time

Knock knock knock.

"Come in!!" Harry entered my room. I stopped folding my clothes and turned to face him.

"Hey, so I was planning to go to the mall to get some christmas presents. I have something in mind for Lou, but I still need to get Niall something. Wanna join me?"

"Sure! That's perfect, I still need Lou and Liam. Meet you outside in 5 minutes- I'll drive?" He nodded and left. I quickly finished folding, and changed into something other than my sweats. I decided it wouldn't be very cold out (LA Christmas haha) and put on a simple halter crop top and some bell bottom jeans. I grabbed my purse and went out to get Harry.

"See you boys, Harry and I are going shopping for a bit. We'll be back before dinner." I yelled out to the rest of the boys who were in their own rooms- except for Niall. Niall was scouring the kitchen for his granola bar he had lost.

"Y/n, I'm ordering chinese what do you want? I'll have my usual- have you asked Harry?" He nodded and went back to looking for his bar. I wished him luck and headed out.


We had been in the mall for an hour, but still no luck.

"Harry just choose!! Come on! We've been looking at these golf clubs for HOURS!!" It was an over exaggeration but it felt true enough. He rolled his eyes, but finally picked two out.

"Okay, this shorter orange one, or thicker green one?" He held them up.

"For Niall, I'd go with the green, he already has a shorter one anyways." Harry gave me a 'funny you'd know that' type of suggestive facial expression and I just sighed.

"Okay my turn. I think we should check the prank store for Lou." Harry smiled and led the way. After looking around for a few minutes I finally spotted it. A rubber chicken. But not just any rubber chicken, a farting one. Instead of the normal squeezing noise it farted. Ahh reminded me of Louis. I grinned and grabbed it from the shelf. Once we had paid Harry and I decided we should get back soon.

Ring ring ring.

"Hello?" The speaker in the car turned on and I heard a familiar irish accent. I pulled out of the parking lot with Harry.

"Y/n!! Dinner is almost here, are you guys almost back yet?"

"Yeah, we'll be back in 15 minutes, that good?"

"Yep, see you then!" I hung up, but noticed Haz smirking at me. "What's your problem?" I said, but I couldn't help but smile at his childish look.

"See, I've known him for years now, but he calls you..." His suggestive tone returned and I just scoffed.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to hear this crap!" I laughed and pulled around the corner.



"Wanna watch a Christmas movie? It's close enough that it's not weird anymore!" Zayn sounded so excited everyone nodded along.

"Which one?" Niall asked the group, and an array of idontknow's  sounded through the living room. We were once again in movie arching positions, with Niall, Zayn, Liam, and I on the long couch, and Louis and Harry on the smaller one. We just finished our Chinese and we were casually laying back, ready for a show.

"How about The Grinch?" Lou asked.

"Gods no! How aboutttttttt- oh! The Christmas Chronicles?" Everyone agreed to my suggestion and we turned it on.

Only 6 more days till Christmas!!

End of Chapter

A/N!! Hey guys!! its getting closer to Christmas!! sorry this chapter is shorter but I'm trying to be like those authors that post frequently and are reliable- a skill I have not acquired yet. Anyways, I hope you enjoy Harry and your friendship, I find them so cute! Also a bunch of people have been commenting about Larry, and while I've been hinting at it I wasn't originally going to put it in as a definite thing. So my question to you all- Do you want Larry? (I'm hesitant to put it in as some people do not believe or like the idea of it, and I don't want that to diminish the story for them. If you have anything you would like to say either comment or message me privately for confidentiality) It is not my intention to put anyone under criticism so if you feel uncomfortable please let me know. While I am not sure whether 'Larry' is 'real' or not, I have no conflict with either opinions. (Except of course the people who push the idea onto both singers affecting them in negative ways- its nice to have a harmless conspiracy and fun to find hints etc, but please don't take it too far. I know most of you know this of course but I have seen people have these issues so I just want to say for my sake of getting it off my chest) HAVE A GREAT DAY, YEAR, AND LIFE!!! obviously from your author jess, cause I'm the one who posted and wrote the chapter duh! Peace out *mic drop for dramatic effect

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