Stand Up

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Hello! My name's jessy, and this my Niall Horan x reader fanfic! I actually didn't really want to post or continue this, but I'm going to post the first chapter so that I have to continue it (if anyone reads this that is). Also every chapter's title is one of the 1D songs (just for fun). Ofc this is a story including people who actually exist, and some characters I made up too. You will have options to pick your name and some of your features, but some of them will be a part of the story, so I'm really sorry but you can't choose everything. I'll list a few notes to help you ( and me lol) beneath:

Y/n = your name

N/n = nickname

L/n = last name

H/c = hair colour

F/f = fav food

F/s = fav song

F/c = favourite colour

I'll continue to add to this list if I add anymore! Thanks for reading!

  I walked down the street casually, humming softly to the beat in my headphones. As I passed my favourite cafe, I tripped, stumbling over a dog bowl set out for customers. My books dropped onto the ground, scattering beneath me. I reluctantly got down and picked them up, struggling to keep them within my short arms.

With falling books in arms, I jogged across the street, following the white striped path. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a bright light flickering uncontrollably. I tried to step back, not be hit, but the books slipped through my arms and I fell backwards. My mind went blank and I just stood there, with my big blue headphones, staring straight at the dull coloured automobile coming towards me.

I suddenly felt a hard tug on my shirt, wrenching me forward. I braced myself, ready for the cold hard surface I was about to faceplant in. Instead of the expected, I felt a warm, softer material. Then it began to rise. And it collapsed again, and rose. Holy crap! Realizing it was a human body, I quickly jumped off, feeling embarrassed. I got up and looked downwards, at the body lying beneath me. It was a guy - maybe about my age. He looked back at me. His eyes locked with mine and I felt shivers go through my spine.


Hey? How do I respond to that! He did just save my life after all.

"Oh um, hey? I mean not to say it rudely of course, like thanks for saving me and all, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't- I mean I do; I would be dead, but just still I feel bad I mean how do I respond to that cause I know I'm awkward bu-"

"Oh my gosh! Calm down, and your welcome" He stood up, brushing his pants off. "I'm Niall, what's your name?"

As he spoke his accent unsettled me, the Irish very dominant in his tone. I tried to cool myself down, thinking rapidly. I combed my hand through my hair, tangled knots intact. "Oh me? My name is y/n, but most people call me n/n (optional), but you don't have to if you don't want to, it's just something my friends and I-"

He cut me off again, explaining that he was new in town, that his mom and him moved here a few days ago. He looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite place it, so I instead asked him where he was transferring schools to. He replied with the name of my school. Oh great, another person to run into in halls! He seemed nice though, so maybe we could be friends...if he wanted to that is. I hope he did.

"So, do you know any good hangout spots in this town?" He asked, looking at me questioningly.

"Well there's a bunch, but my favourite is Vanessa's Tea Room" I said pointing towards the sign above his head. He turned around, surprised he hadn't noticed it before. I laughed and he blushed and rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. Then his head popped up and he smiled and murmured something softly.

"Sorry, I didn't hear that, what did you say?"

He blushed again and cleared his throat. He attempted his sentence again, with much more confidence this time. "Oh, I was just wondering if you would like to help me find a good place to sit in the cafe. Since I'm new and all"

I thought about it quickly, nervously shoving my hands in my pockets. I wasn't doing anything else today. And he seemed nice.


"Alright then" He turned around and led me inside, with a new bounce in his step.

Time skip to hour and a half later ~

"Are you telling me you have never been on a merry go round?"


He rolled his eyes upwards, showing his dramatic disgust. I laughed quietly, feeling the shiver once again. We had been talking for an hour and a bit now, and I started to feel comfortable around him. He began to explain the wonders of the merry go round once again, as I sighed drastically.

"Those merry go rounds are such beauties, I cun't believe ye haven't been on one" I mimicked him, using a horrible accent. Crap. Too late. I muttered softly, calling myself a dumbass.

He looked up from his drink swiftly.


"No. Nothing. I didn't say anything, whaaa. Why do you think I said something, maybe you said something. Maybe it's the wind, I did hear that the forecast was ca-"

He stopped me, beginning to laugh harder. I looked down at my cup, blushing furiously. I had a tendency to ramble if nobody stopped me.

As I sipped at my large hot chocolate, I remembered I was meant to meet my friend today. I checked my watch; I was already late.

"Niall, I have to go. Sorry"

I stood up, and immediately gasped. I had spilt the remains of my hot drink on myself. For a split second his face became worried, quickly changing into laughter once more.

I glared at him, causing him to stop - sort of. I quickly remembered my friend, and began to walk to the door.

"Bye y/n, see you at school." His voice trailed upwards at the end of his sentence, in a hopeful and cute way.

"See ya around leprechaun" I replied. I heard him say something else, but pushed open the door before turning back.

End of first chapter


Hello, it's jess, and depending on whether anyone actually reads this or not, the story will be fairly long, with some twists included. Hope you enjoy this as much as I'll enjoy creating it!

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