Steal My Girl

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"Come on Loki." I tugged on his leash, pointing out we were leaving. I looked at my dog, his tail was wagging as he exited through the door. We began to walk around the block. Loki pulled harder, he was too excited. He was a big dog, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and was super strong. When we went out, it wasn't me walking him, it was quite the opposite. He dragged me halfway around, getting closer to the nearby park where I would let him off leash. I watched as a silver van pulled into a driveway, and saw people file out of the car, one by one. The last one out had frosty tipped hair, and a familiar face. He spotted me and waved. Niall spoke to his mom, and ran up to me.

"Hey y/n, hi boy." He scrunched up his face and bent down to pet Loki.

"Hey Niall. What's up?" He looked up at me, hearing his name

"Nothing much, just got back from a gig. How about you?"

"Eh, same. Just going for a walk. I didn't know you lived here." Loki gave him a big slobbery lick.

"Yeah, I would have told you, but I didn't know where you lived either. He stood up, his face twisted in disgust. I began to giggle at his expression. A strand of saliva rolled down his cheek. I laughed harder. He shook it off and used his shirt to wipe his face.

"Care if I join you?" I nodded. Loki began to pull again, and I tripped, almost bashing my head into the pavement. He helped me up, but his expression became serious. I looked up to see Loki running towards the park. I glanced at him and began to laugh again. He shot me a confused glance, but I started to chase Loki. He quickly realized, and ran after me.

"Y/n. Y/n slow down. Holy."

"Don't be a wimp Horan!" I exclaimed as I sprinted after Loki, waving my arms frantically. He slowed, and I caught up to him. When he finally stopped I couldn't stop myself in time. I barreled over him, landing in the grass. Niall caught up, and grabbed Loki's leash.

"You okay?" He asked, with genuine concern in his eyes. I nodded again and put my hand out for him to help me up. He grabbed my hand, and I immediately pulled him down with me, laughing like a maniac. We may as well have lay there for hours, it sure felt like it. After a while of silence, not bad silence, more like we didn't need to say anything, I got up and told him I should be getting back.

"Alright." He said as he got up.
He looked disappointed, but that quickly changed. His eyes lit up and he smiled wider.

"Hey, wanna meet the band?"

"Sure." I replied to him not knowing why he had a mischievous grin across his face.

"Come to the beach on Tuesday at 5:30. Oh and wear a swimsuit and beach clothes." I didn't know what he meant by 'beach clothes', but I nodded.

"Kay." I smiled and began to walk away.

"See you! Bye Loki!" Loki barked in response. I laughed and scratched his ear. I didn't know what Niall was planning, but I guess I'd find out soon.

Time skip

I changed into my bathing suit, and covered it with some shorts and a white blouse. I was really nervous for tonight, and my confusion had been building up over the days leading up to now. I walked out the door to my car. Oh shoot. I almost forgot my phone. I ran back to get it and closed the door. Alright, I'm ready. Nope. I ran back to grab my bag. Now I'm ready. For sure. I got into the car and started it up. As I drove away I turned on the radio. Score! My favourite song! I began to sing to it before it stopped. The radio guy began to introduce the next song.

"Now here's a song that will please the girls! I also believe they are filming this exact song very soon! They could even be doing it RIGHT NOW. Keep a look out for this new band, cause they are taking the lead with #1 hit song!!! Heeeeere's ONE DIRECTIONS 'WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL", hit it Carl!" The song began to play, and I hummed along. I've gotta hand it to them; it was really catchy. I pulled into a parking spot by the beach. I got out and walked around the lot to the park. Oh. My. God. My mouth hung open at the sight of it. There were lights, and cameras, and screens, and so much more. This is a set! Holy crap! I was on the set of a music video!

"Y/n! Hey y/n!" I walked towards the voice, completely blinded by the lights. I suddenly felt a hand grab my arm and pull me forwards. Quickly the lights were gone; we had moved into a neutral zone. My eyes began to clear and I saw five teenage boys looking back at me, huge smiles on their faces. Niall cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Y/n, this is Louis." I shook his hand and smiled. He seemed a bit shy, but nice. "This is Zayn." Zayn grinned at me and grabbed my hand. "This is Liam." He smiled sheepishly and shook my hand quickly. "And this is Harry." My eyes travelled to the last boy, standing farthest from me. He said nothing, just stared at me with big green eyes, mouth gaping open. Liam nudged him. His jaw snapped closed and he shook my hand. I blushed and turned back to Niall.

"So, what am I doing here?" I asked Niall, still bewildered by the set.

"Y/n you're gonna be in the music video for 'What Makes You Beautiful'." He said this like it was obvious, and I should have known all along. I let out a nervous laugh, scooting back towards the parking lot.

"Heh heh. What?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the camera's view.

"Just follow the others." He said as he pointed towards a group of people who immediately took me into their huddle.

"Alright people! Let's get this show on the road."

Time skip

I had been assigned to Niall for the video. It was fun, but I wasn't prepared. Niall just laughed and kept whispering what to do in my ear. We did multiple takes, and finally finished for the night. While the crew was watching the video for errors, One Direction pulled me aside to ask if I wanted to go back to their place afterwards. I nodded quickly, just happy to get away from the craziness that was going on.The producers asked me to quickly check the video, and I checked my bag, looking for my glasses. Crap I forgot them. Again. I quickly explained and continued on with One Direction. I left my van at the beach, and got into their car. Sorry, let me correct that. I got into their limo.

"Do you guys always travel in style? Or is this limo just a set thing?" They laughed and said it wasn't a limo. I didn't believe that. Harry just smiled and told me that they usually use a bigger vehicle, not a 'limo'. I can't believe they live like this, I can't believe I'm in a limo, and I definitely can't believe I'm going back to One Direction's 'place'.

End of chapter

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