Another World

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"Y/n" I was gently shaken. "Y/n, we're here." A voice whispered softly to me, urging me to waken. I groaned, still feeling drained.

"Y/n! We've landed. Here I'll help you up." Niall's voice cut through my drowsy mind.

"Mmahhhhhnn." My voice was full of rasp and barely any noise came out. As he went to help me up, I smacked his arm playfully. He laughed and picked me up. As he stood me on my feet I felt wobbly, not fully awake yet. He let me lean against him as I got out of my seat.

Once I was fully awake, I grabbed my bag from the compartment. Instead it unzipped, spilling my clothes everywhere. Louis picked up my bra and placed it on himself, dancing around Harry. I felt my face heat up as I snatched it away from him. The boys helped me pick up the rest of my clothes, and we collected the rest of our belongings. Paul finally told us we could leave, so we attempted to leave the crowded plane. Single file lines followed the carpeted floor all the way down the middle of the plane. People stacked together, all anxious to leave. It must have been several minutes before we even began to move!

"God, if this takes any longer I swear." I murmured the empty threat beneath my breath. Liam heard though, cause he replied with another snide remark. I really hated lines.

FINALLY! We got to the end of the line, almost to freedom. But as we walked out, there were immediate flashes of light blinding me. I squinted to see cameras fighting to get a clear photo of the band. I was quickly overwhelmed, my head still dizzy from earlier. I stumbled, twisting my ankle against the pavement. Thankfully Harry caught me. I noticed a flicker of emotion in Niall's bright eyes.

"One Direction! One Direction! Would you tell us about the album you have coming out?" Noise and questions sounded from everywhere. My mind went blank as I tried to maneuver around the sea of reporters. Niall took my hand, guiding me through the masses. I don't know how they do this regularly.

Time skip

Once we finally made it through the crowd and airport, the boys and I loaded into a dark van. Apparently it was to be as discreet as possible. I don't know though; the massive vehicle was questionable. Anyways, besides the awkward cramped car, we were enjoying the views. We made our way to our hotel.

As we pulled into the lot by the front doors, they opened revealing one fancy ass lobby. I gasped, shocked by the interior design. It had a red velvet carpet, surrounded by cream walls. The room was decorated by statues and structures made from stone and wood. The stairs were almost pure gold. I knew it wasn't real gold but it was beautiful. The chandeliers above were shining golden beams down at the main desk. The sight was spectacular. I don't usually care about these sort of things, but holy, this was like I've never seen before! We continued to walk through the hotel, going up the elevator, down the beautiful carpeted halls, and finally into our own room. It was massive! There were enough rooms for us all, plus a living room and kitchen. This seemed more like a flat than a hotel room. My mouth must have been open, because Louis started laughing, and closed for me.

"I thought you could use some help, it seemed like a loose hinge." He chuckled madly, walking over to a room. The rest of the lads also found rooms, and I went to the last one. The rooms were similar, but as I scanned each one, they all had an individual flare. I actually liked mine the most. Basically because the bed had a lace cover above it. It was so pretty, I don't know how the boys weren't constantly in awe. I guess after living like this for a while it becomes less interesting? Niall suddenly rushed into my room, a massive grin across his face. He grabbed my arms, and shook me.

"Y/n, you have to come see this!" He both frightened me, and made me laugh. He pulled me into the kitchen by my wrist. "Look"

I looked around the room. All I saw was a massive cupboard. I opened it, immediately seeing loads of snacks, and random junk food.

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