Through the Dark

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Where is my phone?? Where is my phone?

"Hey, y/n, what are you looking for?" I looked up from my drawers. I must look like a racoon going through trash. I was scrambling around my room, trying to find my missing technology. 

"My goddamn phone." My stronger language resulted in a surprised look from Niall. "Oh, don't look so surprised Nialler. I've been looking for it for hours! I think I'm going insane." I fell back into my bed out of frustration. Niall's head came into view over top me, and he smiled sweetly. 

"Want some help?" He asked as he extended his hand out. I grabbed it and pulled myself into a sitting position. Niall joined me on the bed and gave me a pathetic thumbs up. He raised his eyebrows up and down in a silly manner. I gave him a mild laugh in return, and did the same back.

"I haven't see it since yesterday." Since I broke up with Cody. Yesterday felt like millions of years ago. After I left him, I came straight back to the loft. I was in so much shock I wasn't even crying, but the boys could see that something was wrong. They took me out for dinner, and helped me feel better. I just wanted to forget it happened, and I still do. 

I pushed it out of my mind, although a dreadful feeling approached me. It had to be connected to Cody. I still didn't understand why he blew up so much. He seemed like a pleasant person, but he scared me yesterday. Who knew that below his charming act he could be so aggressive. At least I got out of the relationship before I had time to find out later.

"Since..." Niall didn't want to say it. Neither did I.

"Yeah." He knew I didn't want to go back, but I needed to find my phone. He grabbed my hands and looked directly at me. I noticed his perfect blue eyes, and I tried memorizing all the swirls around his pupils. Why were they so mesmerizing? Looking into them was like feeling a cool breeze on a hot summers day. The relief you feel. And the slight chill. But the chill wasn't from a breeze. I realized I had been staring into his eyes for a second too long, and I grabbed my hands away. The chill went away, travelling back down my spine like water.

I awkwardly coughed, and he looked away embarrassed. A matching blush covered our faces. Then he spoke, just loud enough that I could hear.

"I could come with you. To look, I mean. But only if you want to." I nodded at him, and gently sat up. When he looked up at me, I mocked his earlier fail at a thumbs up, and he stood up and pushed me onto the bed. I laughed and fell back into my pillows. When I looked up though, he had walked out. 

"You coming or what?" He yelled through a laugh. I yelled back a slightly insulting response and hurried out of the room. 


The phone wasn't there. After 45 minutes of asking everyone, searching everywhere, and running around like madmen, we decided to call it in. We weren't going to find it. Not here anyways. Just as we were leaving Niall got a call.

"Hello? Yeah, I'm with her right now." Niall started pacing around the parking lot. "Wait- what?  O-okay, yeah okay. Bye." I looked at Niall, and when he didn't offer up an explanation, I kicked him in the shin.


"We may want to check social media." Still without an answer, I watched as he opened his phone. As soon as he turned off silent mode, it started shaking. It looked like the phone was having a heart attack. So why was his phone blowing up? I replayed my thought out loud. He only shook his head.

"Oh my god." 

Quick review:

So my phone goes missing right after breaking up with 'angry man'. The next day 'I' am posting on all my social media accounts that One Direction- and specifically Niall- have plagiarized most of their songs. Apparently I've been harassed by Niall countless times, and recently found out his ways of making music. 

Only thing is, Niall doesn't need to steal from lesser known bands. And I know that. So who has been posting all of this trash. 

"Cody" Niall and I stated his name in perfect unison. 


"Niall don't. Niall stop. HEY, LISTEN TO ME." Niall shoved pass me. He had riled himself up, and was now determined to find Cody, and probably, try to fight him. On the drive back, Niall had called up a lot of his resources, and gotten the rumours shut down. Luckily, we were able to stop it before it was too big, but it would still hurt the tour. But the more he talked about it, the angrier he got. Not about his own reputation, but the fact that Cody would use me like that. 

Niall was out of control, and although I tried to stop him, he was surprisingly stronger than expected. I ran in front of him, blocking him from the car. I was frantically trying to calm him down, but it seemed like the more I said, the more frustrated he became. Until finally he broke and yelled at me. It wasn't even that harsh, but the memory of Cody screaming at me the day before came rushing back to me. I pride myself in being a fairly strong person, but in this moment I cried. For the first time since breaking up, I started crying. This gave Niall enough time to get passed me and into the car. It seemed he was still set on finding him. Being so hurt by it that I was crying probably didn't help my case. As the car sped away I found myself stop. 

I have to stop this. Niall is an overall level headed person, a non fighter. So when he gets mad, I'm not sure what he'll do. But I do know that Cody has been in more fights than Niall has. I was worried for Niall. Although I'd gotten close to Cody, any feelings I had for him had vanished and my only concern was my blonde boy. 

I thought Niall would go to Cody's house first, after all it's where he lives. So, I borrowed Liam's Honda and tried to follow him. I just hoped I would get there in time.


I didn't.

By the time I got there, they had already been fighting. It didn't seem like they had been for long though, so there was still a chance. They stopped glaring at each other when they noticed I had arrived. I tried to talk some sense into Niall. 

"Come on Niall, you aren't like this. It's over now, let's just leave. He isn't worth it!" I obviously wasn't convincing enough, as Niall and Cody began wrestling again. They mumbled curses at each other, both somewhat defending themselves and me. 

I took it upon myself to break them up, which was fairly easy, as they both didn't want me being hurt. I stood between them and tried again. This time, Niall seemed to calm down a bit. 

"Let's go." I turned around at Cody, who had a slightly bloody lip. I didn't know what to say to him so I started walking away. Unlike me though, he did know what to say. 

"Backstreet boys are better." Yeah, it may seem a little dumb, but his voice was laced with acid as he said this. It wasn't the words, it was the meaning behind it. So, I punched him.

I turned around and hit him square in the jaw. As he fell onto the concrete, Niall gave me a massive, and satisfied, smile. He looked impressed, and as I walked away, I winked at him casually. 

"Oh come on, that was just cringy." I shoved him and told him to get his lazy ass in the car. I don't know, I think it looked cool. 

End of chapter

A/N: sup guys! hope you liked that chapter!! I got two more planned for the next few days so be prepared...who knows, maybe smt will actually happen between y'all. Sorry this chapter was slightly more cringy, I'm not super great at writing for flirty content, but im tryingggg. I'm pretty sure I'm not a cringy person in really life lol. I do have to say before we continue is that I won't be writing any mature content. so readers who enjoy spicy stuff  gotta imagine it themselves or keep it int here pants. nothing against people who do write it, but I am not comfortable doing so, and it probably wouldn't be very good anyway... WELL hope y'all have a great day! (And spring break if you are like me rn!)

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now