I Would

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A/n before we start! Hello y'all! Hope your enjoying the story so far, anyways, just gonna let you know about this:

l/f/s/n = least favourite singer's name

Also thanks for reading!! I'll try to post every week or more, so look out for my terrible writing!! Alright bye, and back to the story...(read that with a cool mysterious voice please it gives more effect)

I stood there in shock. Go on tour with One Direction? Niall just stared at me, waiting patiently for an answer. His icy eyes peered into my soul, making my hands shake nervously.

"So?" He spoke quietly, making sure not to seem too needy. I nodded my head slowly but subtly. I'm not sure he noticed because his eyes were still filled with fearful hope.

"Uh-" I cleared my throat. "Well, I would but don't you think the boys won't like it? I mean it is the band's tour. Also there may not be room or enough space to sleep. I just don't want to be pushy or anything, cause I'd feel bad intruding or something. I'm not usually so-"

"Okay, okay, don't worry. I talked to the boys and they are excited about it! So? Will you come?"

"Yeah." I whispered my response afraid of what everyone in my life would say. I wasn't sure I could commit to a full tour without my parents consent or my friends input. Why not? What could I possibly lose while on the tour? My friends won't mind, and my parents are going on a trip with Sam anyways. Niall didn't hear me once again so I spoke louder this time.

"Yeah." He smiled so wide and picked me up, spinning me around. I laughed and he put me down and hugged me. Wow, how could anyone be so good at hugging. I fit perfectly in his arms, and my hands were intertwined behind his neck. Sadly he let go and grabbed my hand. He pulled me away to the table. We laughed together like little kids and ran up to the boys. Niall lifted our interlocked hands in the air; like the way you would if you won a boxing match.

"I did it! AhAH! She's coming!" He talked so fast and his exterior was shaking with joy and excitement. The boys yelled out in delight.

"Welcome to the party, love!" Louis stumbled through his words, almost spilling his drink.

"I think you've had enough Lou." I gently took his cup away, earning a playful glare from Zayn. "Oh come on, he's so funny when he's drunk!" Zayn responded to my actions.

"You can spike his tea tomorrow." I replied sternly, knowing I wouldn't let that happen anyways. I looked to Liam and gave him a meaningful glance. He nodded and seemed to understand. Louis stood up and leaned on me sighing deeply. I giggled and let him rest his weight on me.

"I think he should be getting back to your place. I'll drive him back, I was going to leave soon anyways." I told the guys my plan and they nodded. Niall sent me the address and I walked Louis out. I waved to my friends, as I waded through the crowd. Some girls realized it was The Famous Boy Band Singer, and took their phones out. I breathed heavily and continued walking and hoping this wouldn't be in the news. I helped him into the front seat, and he hiccuped and giggled. Zayn was right, he was fairly comical. That was saying something too, as well, it was Louis! Pressing my foot against the pedal, I let him choose the music. 'Just Give Me A Reason' began to play, and Louis started to sing to it. Now I know that anyone would think he would sound good, but apparently drunk Louis was worse than l/f/s/n (least favourite singer's name)!

"Soooooo, you got a boyfriend?" His words slurred together as he asked this awkward question. He must have seen my expression cause he quickly added to his question. "Not asking for meee thoooo, more for someone else whooo maaaaaaay like youuu." I blushed and looked straight ahead, trying to focus on the road.

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