Over Again

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A few weeks had gone by. 

I started dating Cody. It occurred to me that the longer I wait for Niall, the longer I push myself into loneliness. I don't expect Cody to be 'the one', but he was charming and I enjoyed being with him. 

Niall however, did not. Every time I would invite Cody over to hang with the boys, Niall would find some excuse to leave. His obvious jealousy was not healthy to our relationship. Since I started dating Cody, Niall and I had been different. We weren't as close. I would miss him even though I was standing right beside him. I didn't know how to fix it. 

As I walked between rooms, I noticed Lou's door open. 

Some expert Louis Tomlinson advice could be good about now. 

"Hey Lou. Whatcha up to?" He looked up from his phone. 

"Just sending some stupid message to my dad's old friend's daughter. Apparently I'm her favourite." He winked at me. "What's on your mind?" 

How does he always know?

I shook my head and sat down. For a few moments I didn't know what to say. Then, in one massive breath I spilled my guts completely.

"Well, obviously I like Niall, but I can't tell if he likes me, so instead I started dating Cody because he's really sweet and nice and funny and charming, BUT now my entire relationship with Niall sucks and he won't talk to me anymore and it's really hard cause he was like my best friend too and now I miss that and I don't know what to do, because I need him to talk to even with Sam and everything, but it's not the same and I don't know what to do anymore, and I've been having these awful nightmares and not getting much sleep because of it and I feel like the entire wold hates me right now, and I can't do anything about it, but instead I just keep lying to everyone and myself that I'm fine, but I'm not and really everything is just building up inside me and I'm so overwhelmed and I just want a break but I can't get one because I don't want to stop otherwise Ill have time to think and that never ends well." Louis just looked at me. Well that was embarrassing. 

"I didn't know you had that much breath in you." I smiled in an awkward fashion. If only there was a wand that erased memories. My mind drifted into a false reality where none of that happened. But as they do, my false reality shattered when Lou finally processed my speech.

"Y/n, I think you should go out one more time with Cody. When you're with him ask yourself if it's worth it. Is this short relationship worth my entire relationship with Niall? Even thought its fun. Can I see myself having a deeper relationship with him? And look at him properly. Without any of the false charm, or jokes. Really look at his eyes. You'll know."

"Speaking from experience Lou?" He blushed, but quickly hided it. 

"I just want you happy, even if you are an idiot. But seriously, just do it." I nodded my clarification. 

"Thanks Lou."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and I walked out. I took a breath and sent out a text to Cody. A invitation to lunch tomorrow. With any luck, by tomorrow I'd be less complicated. 

End of Chapter

A/N!!! Sup guys ;)) I'm about to publish a few more chapters I've been working on, and some that I'll be writing on the spot before sending them out. Missed y'all a lot! Thank you for so many more reads, it's absolutely crazy. I don't have much to say beside a lot has happened, but I'll be more active, as I'm going to be trying to wind the story down. Of course I won't be rushing it at all, but it will be shorter than I planned. I still forsee at least 7 more chapters, possibly more. Can't wait for y'all to see what I've been planning!! 

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