Save You Tonight

490 16 15

Y/n's POV

A few days later

I ran quickly to my car to grab my apron and sped to my first shift. I greeted my boss and sped to serve table 7. As I was bringing the plates to the table, I saw a face through the window. The swift blond hair. The sky blue eyes. The nervous glance. It was all too familiar. I jumped and stared like I had seen a ghost. The plates I was holding crashed to the ground, splattering around me. I looked back up to see the face again but it was gone. I must have imagined it. I shook my head and went to clean the plates. After finally clearing the mess, my boss called me over.

"Y/n. This is the third time this week you've screwed up. I can't give you any more chances."

"Wait- please. Micheal you know I need this job. My brother-"

"Y/n, you are a capable young woman, I'm sure you will quickly find another job. Maybe one that... suits you a little better." He held his hand out. My shaky hands grasped for my apron as I untied the back. I handed it to him and ran out before I had the chance to cry. I felt useless. Like I had let my parents down. I definitely had let Sam down.

Since I had finished my shift early- by being fired- I decided to get my dogs early. They wouldn't mind a bit of extra walking time, and I would get more money the longer I had them out.

I was walking down the sidewalk with all my little pups when I felt a strong urge to turn back. I ignored it as usually my 'strong urges' lead to something bad. I felt a tug on my shirt, and I turned around. UGH- well I guess my strong urge was...NIALL!?!?!?!

He looked at me blankly. We hadn't seen each other since I yelled at him. I decided to act cold as I didn't feel like chatting. I still had some leftover anger. So, I spun around and continued walking.

"Wait- y/n!!" I walked faster. "Y/n stop, come on. I need to talk to you. Y/n!" I continued walking faster and faster, with him talking non stop while trying to catch up.

"Why are you back? Harry and I broke up, and you've been gone for months. You aren't even done with the tour yet. Niall, why are you here?" I almost yelled at him as I sped away. He began to speak but I cut him off. "Actually nevermind, I don't wanna hear it, I've-" I was so frustrated that I hadn't noticed I was walking through the red light.

"Y/n, NO!!"

As the cars came at me I felt deja vu, and my heart ached. The world slowed down, and it was as if I was seeing it all in slow motion. My white-knuckled hand let go of the leashes, and the dogs slowly ran to safety. At least they would be fine. I wasn't so sure about myself though. My mind moved slowly, as if each thought was a million strings of yarn being sown into a scarf. A dark, nasty scarf, but a scarf nonetheless.

Suddenly I felt the tug of my hood pull me back to reality. The cars zoomed past, and the sounds rang in my eardrums, reverberating through my skull. A billion particles floated in front of my eyes, and they watered as though I was crying. I choked on the tightness of my hood, and fell backwards.


I landed hard on my back. My eyes closed and I almost blacked out. Almost. A sweet voice brought me out of my trance.


"Yeah?" I answered, my voice rough from the whiplash.

"Are you okay?" I leaned forward, and the blood rushed to my head. I lay down again, every muscle aching, and responded weakly.

"Mmhmm." The pained expression on Niall's face showed he didn't believe that.

"Oh my god!! You're bleeding!!" I looked up and saw deep scratches on my arms and legs. I wouldn't have gotten them from the road though. Niall seemed to have the same understanding too. He gave me a questioning stare, and helped me onto my feet. I thanked him softly, and it hit me. The plates. When I dropped them they must have cut me. I probably hadn't noticed yet because of all the commotion and feelings. I explained what had happened.

"Oh no." I gasped and looked around. I had completely forgotten.


"The dogs. THE DOGS!!! Oh my god Niall, the dogs are gone!!!" My head was spinning. I felt like passing out, but I only had 20 minutes to get them back. They could be anywhere by now.

I have to get them. The thought came groggily, but I made it into a command. My responsibility. I stumbled but Niall caught me.

"Hey. Hey!" I looked at him. "Calm down, it's okay. I'll help you get them back. It'll be fine, don't worry. Take a deep breath." I did.

13 minutes later

We had found all the dogs but one. Niall dropped the dogs back to their houses with his car, and returned. We kept searching. We still hadn't found Sandy. Only 7 minutes left. Only 6 minutes left. Only 5 mi-

"Hey y/n do you hear that?" I listened, trying to hear what he was talking about. A faint sniffing. My hopes rose, and I ran forward, anxious to find her. Niall ran the other way, covering more ground that way. A few minutes later I heard him yell. My excitement was at its limit as I ran around the corner. Niall was holding Sandy in his arms. She was covered in mud, and squirming. Soon he was covered in mud too, and she had succeeded at wiggling out. Fortunately she understood her adventure was over and stayed where she was. I was so happy, I didn't care that Niall was muddy. I jumped into his arms, so grateful. I quickly remembered I was still supposed to be mad at him though, and I let go. I would at least hear him out though.

After we dropped a clean Sandy off, he dropped me off at the restaurant. He began to pull out of the parking spot, thinking I was still unwilling to listen to him.

"Niall, wait." He stopped. I motioned for him to open his window, and he did. I leaned forward, resting my hands on the door.

"My last shift ends at 11:00 pm. After that I'm going to see Sam. The only time I'll be available at is 2:00 am."

"Does that mean you'll hear me out?"

"If you're willing to stay up that late." His face said he was. I nodded, and told him to meet me at my house then. I began to walk away but his voice pulled me back.

"Can I come see Sam with you?" His tone was gentle and careful, as if choosing his words individually.

"You can't talk about anything with-"

"I won't."

"When I go I usually am alone. I talk to him but i'm usually just quiet so-"

"Y/n. Don't worry, I understand." His eyes pleaded with mine.

"Then...okay. I'll see you there then."

End of chapter

A/n: hi! now you have to say it back :)

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