Night Changes

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I gasped and sat up. Again? Go away, please! I thought my nightmares had stopped, but apparently not.

Flashback to the first night in LA

Niall's POV

It was really late but I was still up. I have a hard time falling asleep quickly after a flight. The first night is always the hardest for me. That's why when we are on tour, I get pretty tired. Luckily with y/n, she also doesn't sleep much. It's nice to have someone to hangout with. But this time she was so exhausted, she fell right into a coma- not coma- poor choice of words- just a deep sleep. I was about to go to bed but I heard some odd noises coming from her room. I didn't want to wake her up so I just peeked in. Her face was twisted in pain (emotional or physical, i'm not sure.) I didn't like seeing her like this so I decided to wake her up. As I got closer to her bed, I could hear her saying something like:

'It should have been me' and 'I'm sorry I left'

Suddenly I realized what she was dreaming about. My heart sank. Did she still blame herself for Sam? I nudged her awake and her eyes popped open. She looked scared and her eyes were puffy.

"Hey, it's okay. You were just having a nightmare."

"Yeah, I know. I probably should have told you guys, but I thought it was a bit embarrassing."

"Wait- has this happened before?"

"Yeah, I haven't been getting much sleep lately." I didn't know what to say.

"It wasn't your fault." She agreed, but her eyes said she still believed. Y/n tried to get up, but I told her she could go back to sleep.

"I'm fine, I usually don't sleep a lot anyways. I don't want to have another dream." I compromised with her saying that I'd stay with her; wake her up if she had another nightmare. After she finally agreed, I went to grab a chair.

"No wait- you can sleep here." She grabbed my hand pulling me back. I guess that's fine. I got into her bed, laying on my back beside her.

"You promise to wake me up?"

"I promise." She mumbled something like 'okay' and closed her eyes. For a long time she didn't move or say anything. Slowly I began to fall asleep. It felt nice being beside someone, to feel the warmth of another person. It relaxed me enough to help me sleep. I let myself fall into a peaceful dream.

"AWWWWWWW." My eyes opened. It felt like I had just closed them, but the light room said otherwise. Ugh no! Lou had his camera directed at us. He bent over and showed us his masterpiece. At some point in the night y/n had wrapped her arm around me, and we had gotten a lot closer. I groaned, knowing how much Louis was enjoying this leverage. I tried to grab it, but it was a lame attempt. Instead, I just woke y/n up.

"mmmmm?" I whispered sorry, but she woke up. She sniffed the air, and her eyes flew open. I took a deep breath in, smelling the faint hint of waffles. Yessss.

"Wait a second." Y/n looked as though she realized something. The lads looked scared. "Lou. Show me your phone." Her voice was so commanding, that Louis immediately did. She gasped at the photo and started cussing at him. Her face turned a deep magenta as she blushed furiously. She aimed her words at the rest of the boys, and began to get up. Nervous, they tried to run out of the room. Unfortunately, Zayn tripped on the lamp.

"Watch it there creampuff!" Louis taunted him as he ran out. Y/n was now fully up. For just waking up, she was still beautiful. Her hair was smashed to one side, like she slept only one way, her eyes were big but full of- oh no- oh she's mad- she yanked up her shorts and fuzzy socks and stomped out of the room. I loved how she always wore our One Direction merch shirts to sleep. They were always massive on her, but she says it's more comfortable that way. Anyways, I got up, cause I wanted to see the lads be beaten up. Unluckily, when I got there, y/n had already won. She had Louis by his ear, and he was squirming in pain. Zayn, poor lad, was still sore from the lamp accident, and Liam was on the floor. I was curious what she had done to him, but I wasn't about to prod. Harry sauntered out of his room, yawning. It was weird, but I hadn't noticed his absence until now. We had a lot of roommates now.

"Mohningh." His rich accent rang in my ears.

"Morning." Y/n said in a cheery voice. The rest of the boys just sighed.

"Already?" He asked. I nodded. This- this was what I liked about having y/n around. She made everything so much more interesting. I felt happier than I had in a long while.

She's back!

End of chapter

Hey guys!!! How's it goin??? I'm on spring break now and I'm super happy!! I don't have much to say this time sooooo oh! Ok so I was in the city a while back and I was looking into this really cute Japanese store and I saw one direction calendars and I was just so happy. Whenever I see or hear any one direction stuff I'm like "THEY STILL LIVE WITHIN US" plus probably an evil laugh or smt like 'mwhahahahah' . Anyways like I said last time I'm gonna do questions every time now! Here's the first one:
What's the last song you listened to? Or What's the first song that you think of?
(Honestly I'll probably listen to all the songs that get commented) (Ofc if you guys comment songs- which you shouuuuuld) ok bye :)
*added a few moments after publishing cause I forgot: OMG GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 7k HOLY CRAP honestly when I started writing this I had zero hopes this would ever blow up like this!! Y'all mean so much to me and your comments are always so fun to read!! Thank you so much for supporting and voting on my story it means SO MUCH!! Y'all are amazing people- I'm n it just sayin that cause you like Niall I actually mean it!

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