No Control - pt 2

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"Y/n. We're gonna miss you so mu-"

"No! No you don't get to do THAT! You don't get to feel bad that I have to stay here and watch over my baby brother. You don't get up and leave me when I'm at my lowest. You don't get to pretend you're being forced to go and just pretend that we were ever like family. I counted on you guys! I FREAKING LEFT MY HOME AFTER HIGHSCHOOL TO GO ON TOUR WITH Y'ALL! And you can't even stay. No. Just leave. Please. Just go before I say anymore. Before I completely break down. Before I get a chance to regret my words or come up with more. Just go. Go and don't look back. It was nice knowing ya."

"Y/n please. Don't do this." Zayn spoke up, tears forming in his heartbroken eyes. He moved towards her but she pulled away, a look of disgust running across her features. She shook her head. Louis just hung his head and sat in silence. An unusual combination for that man.


"NO. STOP. JUST. STOP. Please. Just freaking leave me alone. You're gonna be late for your ride. Just go." Her fiery eyes were urging us out, and I was the first to stand.

"Come on guys." I said it barely above a whisper. They heard me though, as we all were heading towards the door. I looked back at y/n. Her eyes did a quick sweep of the room before getting up and leaving. She turned swiftly but I could see the build up of tears as she left. It pained her to say what she had but she needed to. I felt weak and suddenly heavy as we left her house for the last time. I would miss her. And she knew it.

End of chapter

A/N: all I have to say is there's more coming, sorry it's so short, and sorry school's been busy but I'm really trying to free more time for this so look out :)

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