Don't Forget Where You Belong

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Months later

y/n's POV

I frantically checked my pockets for my keys, searching deep into the never ending abyss. Finally grabbing hold of the metal noisemakers, I ran to my car. Crap, crap, crap, crap. I was late. Again. I accidently lost track of time with Sam. I sped onto the highway, briskly changing lanes to avoid traffic. Once I arrived at the cafe I jumped out and pulled my apron on. I knotted a ponytail and greeted my boss.

"Hey! I'm so sorry i'm late again I just-" He cut me off.

"Whatever. Table 8 is ready to order." I nodded and rushed off to take their orders.

After shift

I mentally slapped myself again as I headed out. I kept forgetting my schedule.

Wake up at 5am and eat breakfast, go to the cafe for my first shift till 10am, pick up my clients dogs to walk till 12am, head back to the cafe for my second waitress shift till 4pm, wash dishes at the local diner till 6pm, bartend until 11pm, if needed take a double shift and wash dishes again until 1am, then go see Sam until 2-3am, then go home and have dinner.

My life was a total mess. The highlight of my day was definitely seeing Sam sleeping at the hospital. He looked so peaceful in the glowing moonlight; like an innocent little angel. But it made my heart ache in ways I'd never thought possible. As I walked down the street on my way to get my first dog, I noticed a sign.

"Vanessa's Tea Room"

I hadn't been in there since he left. I quickly dialed Louis.  Over the course of the few months they had been gone, Louis had texted and apologized to me. He was like a brother to me, and eventually I forgave him. He was the only one of the lads I still talked to. Don't get me wrong, they had all tried, but I figured it would be harder if I accepted that I missed them. Keeping in contact with Louis alone was hard enough. Although our bond had  definitely strengthened.


"Hey Lou, just on my way to pick up Sandy." Sandy was the first dog I had. The golden labradoodle was named after the Grease character.

"y/n, you are WAY too busy! Don't you have enough jobs? I mean, your parents are also working."

"Louis you know I need the money. For Sam. Plus with Charlie out at college, he can't help. I'm fine though."

"I don-"

"Really." I sighed. "Just a bit tired is all."

'I should think so!" I could hear his eyes roll from here. I breathed in. I really missed Lou.

A few months later

Charlie decided to put school on hold and move back. He had stopped his career in photography to help out at home and bring in some more money. The house was very full, and at times, very chaotic. As much as I love Charlie, he can be overprotective sometimes; staying up late to greet me when I get home, yelling at me to drink water daily, constantly asking how I am (although the only answer he gets is 'fine' in a voice even I can admit sounds very fake), and much, MUCH more.

Niall's POV

"LOUIS IT'S BEEN MONTHS!!! IT'S BEEN MONTHS, AND YOU HAVEN'T BOTHERED TO TELL ME THAT YOU'VE BEEN IN CONTACT WITH Y/N?!?!?! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! I HAD TO STEAL YOUR PHONE FOR YOU TO TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON! I TRUSTED YOU. LOUIS I- i miss her. I miss her so much. How couldn't you tell me you've been texting her. All this time." I broke down into tears, they streamed down my face. I looked up through my blurry vision at his small figure. He stood there shocked and in shame. In guilt and regret. And something else... pity. I cried and ran to him. I pulled him into a hug and let my waterfall of tears soak into his coat. I shuddered, suddenly cold with the feeling of understanding. I couldn't let myself be like this. I'd been miserable and depressed since we left. I knew it, everyone did. I needed her back. I needed her forgiveness. I need her.

Suddenly alert with this revelation, I snapped out of my sad trance. I pulled away, the salty water already melting into dry skin. I told Lou what I needed to do. He didn't even argue. He got it. He knew what it was like to love someone and not be able to be with them.

"Thank you." He nodded. I guess I needed to book a flight to y/h/t. (Your home town)

Y/n, I'm coming.

End of chapter

A/n: told ya I'd be writing quicker now! Didn't believe me did you? That's fine i wouldn't either but now you do lol. Anyways thanks for 2k reads on whattpad ahhhh!!! Y'all are so patient so thank you :) anyways hope you enjoyed that small interlude and there's more to come soon!

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