Best Song Ever

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I woke up as a result of constant prodding. My eyes opened slowly, immediately seeing the creepy yet overly happy face of one Louis Tomlinson. I gave a slight shout, and punched him fairly hard. Don't judge me though, it's a reflex. I hid my face in my pillow, and waited. I heard a low pitched 'damn, who knew', and after a few moments I raised my head again. Louis was standing over my bed, a massive grin over his face. It was actually quite freaky, but I was getting used to it.

"C'mon N/n, time to get up!" His cheery tone angered me. I was NOT a morning person.

"You." I hit him with the pillow. "Big." Another whack. "ASS." I started smacking him over the head, as he tried to stop me. Failing miserably may I add. I eventually stopped, trying to be the better person.

"Jesus, y/n. Just try'na wake you up, love." I grumped, but his face quickly regenerated into his wide smile. "Wanna prank the boys?" He smiled mischievously, and I grinned. Nodding, I shooed him out of my room. I picked out a pair of comfortable light wash jeans, a white crop top, and a cozy button up beige sweater. I brushed my hair quickly, leaving it down, and applied light makeup. I tiptoed out of my room into Louis's. He was changing, and had his shirt over his head. I got an evil idea.

I scooted over to him, as quiet as a ninja. Once I was near enough, I grabbed his trousers, pulling them down to see his superman boxers. I laughed so hard at his surprised expression.

"Oh, Louis, your face. Hahaha!" I snickered as I fell backwards onto his bed. He mocked my laugh dramatically, sticking his tongue out.

"I meant, prank the other lads, not me, love." He held his hand out, and I shook it, ready for some devious plotting.

Time skip

While the boys slept, Louis and I had created a master plan. Full of surprises, full of hilarious pranks. Our ears perked up at the sound of Liam waking up. He would usually wake up first, he liked having time to get ready. We waited for him to exit his room. As he opened the door, it triggered a basket full of eggs to spring forwards at him. We had attached the spring to the bottom of it, and connected it to the door handle. He stood there shocked, and covered in egg. We laughed so hard, but hid behind the couch. We didn't want them to know it was us yet, we still needed more time. Liam sighed, and walked into the bathroom. We had exchanged his shaving cream with glue, and we awaited the result.

Meanwhile, we snuck into Zayn's room. Carefully, we placed his hand into a bowl of water. An old trick, but still funny. Next, we put sparkles into his deodorant. They would come out all over him later. We giggled proudly, and crept out of his room. Next was Harry.

Harry's room was by far the most neat. His clothes were folded perfectly in each drawer. Quickly, we exchanged his clothes for dirty old ones from the laundry. We folded them the same way, but the result was hilarious. It would give him a heart attack. Next we found his signature hat. We filled it with shaving cream, and hung it back. Damn, this was so good!

We exited his room, and entered Niall's. First we set his clocks all at different times, to confuse him. Next we drew over his window in charcoal. We drew a night sky, tricking him into believing it was still dark. Turning off his alarm was harder. It was on the other side of the bed. Louis volunteered myself to crawl over him to get it. After a frantic, silent argument, I agreed. I climbed over Niall, trying not to wake him. He rolled over, groaning. I held my breath as Louis chuckled. I shot him a small glance, but continued as he was still asleep. Once I turned it off, we successfully accomplished our first round of pranks. Yes, only the first round. The boys were in for a hell of a ride today! We high fived and went to the kitchen. The lads would never know what we had in store for them.

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now