One Thing

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Niall's POV :

I turned the corner around the band room, towards the theatre. I knew y/n would be there because she told me when her practices were. I was hoping I would catch a glimpse of her practice. She said she sang, but told me she wasn't good. I got closer to the theatre doors, suddenly hearing a beautiful voice. My ears pricked up, listening quietly to the voice. I opened the door silently, hoping not to disturb. As I walked into the room I saw y/n practicing her solo alone at the edge of the stage. I watched in awe as she continued, not noticing me. When she stopped, I clapped. She turned around, surprised.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" She asked me, with a hint of shock in her voice. She blushed, knowing I had heard her.

"I wanted to say hi, and hopefully hear you sing. You're really good!" She blushed harder, her face now bright red. Y/n fidgeted with her hands in silence, before suddenly bursting with nervous laughter.

"Oh. Thanks. I mean not to sound ungrateful, I'm shocked is all, I didn't know you were there, and I wasn't warmed up or anything I can't believe I didn't see you. Really sorry about that by the way, I would have noticed you, bu-" I cut her off before she could continue.

"Thanks, I'm walking home, wanna join?" She quickly resumed but with less stress in her voice.


"Kay, one sec I gotta get my bag." She ran off, behind the curtains. I waited for a few moments before I heard a loud crash. The sound of drums and cymbals being crushed echoed through the theatre. I jumped up onto the stage in worry.

"i'm ok" I heard her voice, relatively quiet amongst the loud echoes. I sighed in relief. She was quite clumsy, but had a way about her that made it almost seem cute. Cute? Never used that word before. She just had this one thing about her. Or something like that. I moved the curtain back, and helped her up.


We walked to the door, past the door, through half the hall, in pure silence. Finally she cleared her throat, working up the nerve to say something.

"So. Um. Well we talked for a while. A few days ago I mean. Right?" I nodded in agreement, tightening my grip on my backpack straps.

"Well, I was just wondering why you never told me you were in a mega famous band?" She looked to me expectantly, as I stared back with a shocked, blank expression. Why didn't I? I knew the answer, I just didn't want to say it out loud. I sighed and took a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

"I just- I just wanted you to get to know me. You know? Like me-me, not the famous band guy." Saying that made me feel better, and worse. More silence. Then she did something very unexpected. She hugged me. I felt my face become hot, and I hugged back.

"Have you met any famous people?" As we walked down the hall she now questioned me about my 'fame' life. Suddenly a loud shriek came from down the hall. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Niall." I looked at her.

"It's my friend. She kinda likes your band. Just be warned." Oh. It was a 'fan girl'. I liked fan girls, but sometimes got nervous that I would screw it up or something.

Y/n's POV :

Laura walked up to us, now using her 'I'm chill and normal' type of walk. I could see through it right to her excitement. I took a deep breath and prepared myself. Niall looked uncomfortable and nervous, but I knew there was no way I could save him now.

"Hey Laura! This is my friend Niall." She smiled and put her hand out to shake. He wiped his hand on his pants before shaking hers.

Time skip

Laura sighed and looked at me expectantly. I knew we had to go, but that Laura was regretting telling me.

"Niall, we have to go."

"Alright. It was nice meeting you Laura, bye
y/n." Laura and I got into her car, and I waved through the window, looking back at him doing the same. I smiled and gave him the peace sign before Laura sped away.

"You LIKE him." Laura spoke up. I groaned. Not this again. I love Laura, but once in 7th grade I liked a guy named Jayden, and all she did was annoy me about it.

"No, put your judgement away."

"I don't believe you. You haven't had a crush since 7th grade remember?"

"How could I forget." I replied sarcastically. She just rolled her eyes and continued.

"Y/n, it's completely natural to like him. He's cute, talented, FAMOUS, sweet, and funny."

"Maybe YOU like him." I punched her softly. "Green punch buggy, no punch back" She looked around, confused.

"There isn't a green Volkswagen..."

"Nope. I just wanted to punch you." I laughed. I had successfully diverted her attention from the 'other subject'.

"Anyways" Oh no.

"As I was saying, you two would make a cute couple. Plus I think he likes you." She said the last line with amusement at my unhappy facial expression. When I heard this I felt weird. Ugh, just shake it off. (Great now I have that song in my head.) Maybe the bagel I had for lunch wasn't going down right. I slouched in my seat and crossed my arms, refusing to talk.

"Fine. I'll drop it, but I'm your best friend and I can see right past that." As she said that she pointed to my posture. I scoffed and turned up the volume. I immediately regretted it.

"Haha y/n guess who it is!" Big surprise! It was One Direction. There really is no escaping him, is there?

End of chapter


Hola!! Hope you liked Niall's POV, I think I'll do more of his later on too! Also don't mind the bold text in the story, cause sometimes there are just some things I need to say or smt! Also I have so many hidden quotes or movie/song things in these chapters! My mind just immediately goes to things I've read, seem, or heard before. If you can find them you are mega talented! Enjoy! See ya!!

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now