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"Hello, is this f/n l/n?"
"Yes? Who is this?"
"Hi- sorry to disturb you so late-err early? This is the Sheridan Hospital. We're calling to inform you that your relative Samuel l/n has woken."

I looked over at Niall speeding as if he were apart of Formula 1. As we swerved down the highway I couldn't help but replay the call in my mind. It felt like a dream. Had these last months even been real?

The jolt of Niall slamming on the brakes told me otherwise. It definitely felt real. If it had been inside my subconscious wouldn't I have tried to protect myself from all the pain I had endured?

No. This was not a dream.

After I had received the call, I had checked in with my mother and then ran to Niall's room. Luckily tonight, that had also been my room. As I shook him awake I screamed at the others to wake up.

Niall slurred a few words in his appropriately drowsy Irish accent. "What is it?" (or more appropriately "" but you get the gist)

It was the moment I had dreamt about every night since nightmare even began. I had began to imagine the possibility that this reality would never be. But never say never I guess. (we are never getting back together core who?)

Back in the car, Niall was doing his best to help calm me down. My anxiety was rocketing at a faster pace than our small van was screeching down this fucking skinny little backroad. (pardon my language)

"What if I'm not ready?" I was uncontrollable. "Am I being selfish? What if he lost his memory? This doesn't feel real yet."

He nods. He nods in his special way that lets me know it'll all be alright. I have no reason not to believe him. He's proved time and time again that no matter what happens he will stand by me through it all. I can count on him. That's all I'd wanted, and I'd finally found it. I should have known it would be this fake blonde leprechaun beside me.

I swell of love filled my soul and I watched his laser focus on the road ahead. He was so good to me. Niall hadn't even put his shoes on. He'd gone from bed to the car in a heartbeat. The phantom shadows of our bodies lying together were only just fading.

This man. This man was my soulmate. It had taken me forever to see it but I do now.

"I love you."

Was that me?

"I love you too."

End of chapter

sup y'all- after continuously being like "oh don't even worry i'm gonna finish the book rly soon" or "yeah i have more written i'll post" or even "i'm back fr this time"- i have returned with another chapter. by now i realize the readers who began this story when i had originally are mostly gone, however i appreciate you all and if u made it this far good on u!! i'm sorry i haven't been responding to comments- i'm working on it dw:)) thanks for all your support again and for everyone in the comments saying they like my personality (such a win) anywho- peace out 🫡

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