Love You Goodbye

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We stared at each other for a few minutes, before she broke eye contact and I got up. She remained seated in the tall grass. I didn't want to leave, but everyone was worried about her. I moved to leave but she didn't get up. I looked back.

"Just stay. A few more minutes." She asked gently. "That's it Niall, then i'll come back." I nodded and sat back down beside her. I heard her whisper 'just a few more minutes', and we lay down and watched the clouds. Apparently we didn't have any concept of time, as sunset arrived, and she began to panic.

"Oh my gods! Niall! They must be so scared for us. We need to get back. Holy crap! I'm so sorry, I should have listened to you." She helped me up, and we ran back. We ran through the dense woods as the sun set over our heads. If we weren't in the middle of freaking out, it would have been beautiful. The light shone above, creating a magical tone on the wood. The leaves glittered and the orange pink colours were so vibrant. Y/n's hair was reflecting the sun, making it a sparkly gold tone that brought out her eyes. She caught me staring as we were running and gave me a questioning look. In response I tripped over a log, falling head first into mud below.

"Oh no Niall! Are you okay?" She ran over to me and helped me up. "Oh gosh, we need to fix that." I felt a sharp stab on my head. I must have cut it in the fall. We picked up our pace again, and finally made it to my car. I started to feel dizzy from the pain so she drove us back to her house. As soon as we got there, the boys came rushing out checking if we were okay. They made such a ruckus I couldn't hear myself think. It got too much for me so I stumbled towards the door, but tripped again and almost fell. Thankfully, y/n caught me and helped me walk. The lads continued to bombard us with questions, until y/n screamed at them to shut up. They did as she said, but still looked anxious for answers. Y/n told me to sit on the couch. I did, as she was very scary right now. She came back immediately with a bandaid, ice, and polysporin. She cleaned the cut, and put the bandaid on. She gave Lou the ice to put on it, and she went to get some water.

Y/n's POV

I told them I had to get some water, but I was so overwhelmed I just hid in the kitchen for a minute. I rested against the wall, and let out a sigh. I would have to answer all their questions, and deal with my parents' worry. I know I shouldn't have just run away, but my mind couldn't take anything more, and I just had to remove myself from it all. I got the courage to go back into the room, and as soon as I did, I regretted it. Harry grabbed my hand and rushed me upstairs.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't mean it. I swear, love. I swear I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry."

"I know, Harry. Don't worry, I know. You're the sweetest guy I've ever known, you were just overwhelmed. We've all been. I'm sorry for yelling. And walking out." I kissed him. This next part would be a lot harder to say.

"Harry." He seemed to know what I was going to say, and he took my hands in his.

"No. Don't say it. Not yet." We cuddled for a while, just being happy to have resolved our small fight. I really liked him, but if he was going on the tour...

Harry understood everything, as I explained to him why we couldn't continue this. We kissed and stayed on my bed for half an hour. Even after 'breaking up' we weren't angry, or sad, we just loved each other's company. He was still one of my best friends. I felt like I could tell him everything and anything.



"You really like Niall right? You always have? It was always apparent, but I always hoped you would like me more if, if, if I-" I didn't want to admit it. I hadn't even done so to myself, let alone to Harry. "It's okay y/n. I get it. It's always been him. Hah- I never stood a chance. It's okay though, cause you're my best friend and I know you always will be. I know that now. Thank you." A loose tear slipped down my face. He was right. I simply nodded, confirming his theory. He had gotten it all completely right. Hit dead center.

"I like Niall." His eyes said it all. "But nothing can ever happen. Especially not now, since I'm staying. And Sam." And Sam. I felt so selfish not thinking about Sam all day. I had been so focused on myself and everything else. I did feel lighter now. Free. I had finally admitted it out loud, and still remained friends with Harry.

"I love you Harry. I'm going to miss you so much." They left in four days.

"I love you too y/n." We hugged and I took his hand again. We finally got up, and walked downstairs together. The rest of the band all wore similar expressions of mixed concern and curiosity. I looked at Harry, and we said it at the same time.

"We broke up." The boys' reactions were priceless.

Liam said "I'm so sorry"

Louis said "I knew it! I told you assholes! Oh um sorry."

Niall fell off of the couch, his eyes wide in shock.

Zayn just stood there, processing the news.

And us, being completely stable human beings, began to laugh. Harry and I giggled at their response as they slowly came back to earth. This was the first time I had truly been happy since Sam's incident, and it felt really good. I would really miss these guys, but I had to stay. For Sam's sake, I needed to be here.

End of chapter

A/n: actually tbh idk what to write for an author's note! I go back to school really soon. How about you guys? Feel free to comment anything and I'll respond! Sorry I'm just bored but I wanna know how y'all are doing! Love your crazy ass writer person, jessyyyy :)

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