Tell Me a Lie

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Unfortunately, it was tomorrow. 

I said my goodbyes the boys, and went out to meet Cody. He was waiting for me at his car outside the place we were staying at. As soon as he saw me he frantically waved. He was always so exited too see me, as if I were a movie star. Why did he have to be so perfect. I mentally sweared at myself for not liking him more. What I wanted was right in front of me, and it still felt wrong. At least I knew why. 

As I walked towards him, he opened the car door for me. A goddamn gentleman too. 

"So where are we going?"

"I've got a great place in mind." He smiled. 


I still couldn't figure out how to tell. I did what Louis said, asked myself the questions, and I had come to a conclusion. 

It wasn't worth it.

Not to be confused of course, I really liked Cody. But, he would never be right. And I didn't want to lead him into thinking it was. I could see how much he liked me. I knew this would be hard, but if I waited it would be worse. 

Come on y/n. Just do it. Get it over with. What's the worst he can do?

As I was having a battle of brains with myself, Cody was continuing through his story. Unaware to any second guessing going through my mind. 

At this point, I wasn't even listening to him anymore. Everything he said blurred together. My panic rose in my chest, and I felt it hard to breath. I tried to remind myself that he was a good person. He would understand. 

But, I still didn't know how to tell him. I mean, what do you do in these situations? Just blurt it out? Who would be stupid enough t-

"We have to break up." 

What an idiot. 

"What?" The shear randomness of my statement caught him off guard. His story about his great aunts new dog was cut short. Cody processed what I had said slowly, his brain working to understand. I could see the gears shifting in his skull. From surprise, to confusion, to sadness, and then to anger. He looked up at me with a blunt look on his face.

"Niall." He said it more as a statement than as a question. As if he already knew the answer. I shook my head. 

As I tried to explain, attempting to recover from the initial failure, he just sat there. I could feel the air around me get colder, and when he sat up I did nothing. And when he started talking I did nothing. And when he started yelling, I did nothing.

And he yelled. He yelled a lot. About what? I'm not sure. His voice melted into an air of white noise. The overwhelming loud filled my eardrums to the point where they disengaged. 

This could not have gone worse. 

I wracked my brain for escape plans. Finding nothing, I decided that I just needed to get out of there. I stood up and tried to walk away. I couldn't hear anything but a faint buzz as I stepped out. 

He grabbed my arm. Sound crashed into my ears. I looked down at my arm. He was holding on so tight, my arm was turning white. I suddenly found myself again.

"Let go." I was surprised at how sturdy my words sounded. He was unconvinced, but stopped yelling. Maybe it was the shock of my return, or how everyone was now staring at us, but he seemed to settle himself. I repeated myself.

"Let go Cody." This time he obeyed. I hugged him. 

I know I may sound like a lunatic, but I trusted him. I felt guilty I had told him this way. He deserved better than this and we both knew it. 

He didn't hug back.

As I let go, I whispered remorse. 

"I'm sorry." He didn't respond. His silence said enough. "Goodbye."

I walked away, leaving him standing alone. Goodbye Cody. 

End of chapter 

A/N!! yolo guys. if you're having a hard time deciding on doing something. DO IT. Ask yourself "In a year will I regret not doing this" or in any amount of time. y'all choose I'm not the boss of you. but life's too short to miss out on what could have been. as a wise person once said 'it sucks to suck'. I'm mostly joking- sorta- but anyways I hope you all have amazing days, and prepare for like 3 more chapters this week!

Leprechaun (Niall Horan x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu