chapter 30

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pls read - the hate fred has been getting is hurting me because this is a character i love and i'm trying to make as realistic as possible. be empathetic. he saw someone cheat on him, no love potion, no polyjuice. you know fred is not emotionally mature enough "to talk it out" (he's not george or you for that matter). i wouldn't do what he did, you wouldn't either and that's great but he is not us. you are not him. remember what going to school was like. let people cope. not an excuse for his behaviour, but this is what people grow from.


November is going by in a flash. Carina sends a letter to Sirius on his birthday, and she receives a reply fairly quickly. It's riddled with love and affection, along with teasing words because of Viktor Krum and what the Prophet wrote about them after the game. Remus sends her a small message too: 'Ps. We miss you at home, Star. We know you're making us proud, always. With love, Dadfoot and Moomy.'

One day, during Advanced Potions, their Head of House lets them know they're having a meeting later in the day, "It's very important for all of you to attend," says Snape, looking at Carina pointedly. She nods her head, almost reassuring him they'll all be there as mandated. And she doesn't disappoint.

Before lunch time, every Slytherin, from Fourth Year onwards, makes their way to the Dungeons. They all take a seat on the sidelines, surprised by how the place has been set up. "Some of our brothers from the Durmstrang Institute have joined us today," speaks Snape in his usual drawl. Carina's gaze meets Viktor's who offers her a small smile, which she returns. "You may be wondering, to what do you owe the pleasure of being reunited with me in the middle of your day... Well, Hogwarts is hosting a ball... The Yule Ball," says the Professor in a serious tone.

"The Yule Ball?" Asks Cassius, sticking his tongue out in disgust. Carina chuckles from beside him, shaking her head at his expression. "What are we, in the eighteen hundreds?" Snape, who is standing a few feet away from him, raises his wand and hits his head with one of the Prophet's that's lying around, using a Levitating Spell.

"It's a very important tradition, Warrington," mutters the Head of House, fixing his sleeves. "It is no secret, we are the most elegant House, and we will behave as such. I will not allow the name of our Founder, the Great Salazar Slytherin to be dragged through the mud," says Snape, glaring at the group of students, who all perk up slightly. "You are to bring someone to said ball. Someone dignified..." he says, pointedly looking at Crabbe and Goyle, who scowl at the implication. "...I know not to expect miracles from some of you." Adrian snorts, hiding his mouth with his hand to avoid Snape's wrath.

The Potions Master continues, "It has been brought to my attention... by Professor McGonagall, that those of you who were not raised in a Pureblood household, will need to be taught ballroom dancing... Most of you, thank Merlin, do come from Pureblood families, and thus, are more than capable... in this activity... As for the rest of you..." the few Half bloods that are in the green and silver house sink on their seats. "Your Head boy and Head girl," the seventh year Prefects stand up from their seats and walk to the middle of the Dungeon. "Will demonstrate," the man takes a step back.

"As you can see," he says, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, "Mr. Laurence has put his hand on Miss Rosier's waist..." Carina purses her lips to stop herself from chuckling at the expression on Snape's face. "He is light on his feet, as is she... I do not want to see anyone stomping around the dance floor..."

"What a stupid tradition," mumbles Cassius, making fun of the situation they are all in. "Why would we have a Ball?" He complains again, voice quiet as he watches the Head Boy and Head Girl dance around the room, Snape's voice slightly drowned out by the music that plays from the old record player.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now