The Random People

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Just so you know, Coe mever saw Nate again after their last encounter in his home, I took her almost forever to move on. She strived harder until she got in a big job as an Executive Producer for a big Network.


Life went on for the next four years. At twenty-one, I had the best job known, the most lavish lifestyle, the best family and great relationships. I was living way farther than my teenage dream. I worked for CBS Network as a new executive producer. Media was one big business boomerang - it gives you all the gold, but drains you of life and energy, but every second was worth it. I had no problem with churlish bosses, on the contrary, I was in charge of the biggest team. They said I was too young to reach such peak, and my team even joked out that I would be the owner of CBS when I turn thirty if I do better everyday. It wasn't impossible. Especially since I had CBS' trust, I even had a duplicate of the CBS maindoor latchkey. I had everything in the world, but of course, I had an empty heart. It felt like someone, Nate of course had poked a hole in my little weeny heart, and no one was the just yet there to complete it. I have forgiven Nathan for whatever he has done. I begged God to make him run after me and go to California, knock at my door and tell me that he wants me. But no, I knew I wasn't in a fairy tale. It did not happen, but one thing was sure. I was, and still am contented.

I marooned quickly at the side of the West with a newly rented Ford Mustang and swerved towards the bend in the road. "Today would be a big day." I reminded myself. Mr. Gladwell, CBS CEO gave me the advertising league. Most of the previous Executive Producers (EP) said that the ad field would give anyone a total burnout. I would be working with the bests from across the United States. I was nervous, of course. Anyone in my shoes, I mean stilettos would be. The regal title of "Executive Producer" was the most transient of all the titles in the world. It may be super-ultra-mega-high-pay job, but it would cause me every part and parcel of my life, and life meant relationships, time... happiness. The longest period an EP stayed under CBS would be six months, and I think I had to beat that record.

I arrived early at the main office. I didn't want to be late for my first meeting since I knew the media team had its time set an hour before the world's timezone. I straightened the Giorgio Armani pencil skirt I picked from my Fall and Winter closet. I realized that none would arrive in five short minutes. My impatient self brought out a newly-bought Elisabeth Noel Jones perfume who just hit the top ten at Forbes Mag. I wore the scent on special occassions. It was meant to aromatize me in front of ad managers and clients. I sat comfortably at one of the grand couches of the lobby and stared at the pillared walls and marbled floor. I could not believe that I was at the peak of victory when years back, I was a poor hopeless seventeen-year-old perching lifelessly on a wheelchair, but wheeled back and forth by the guy who made me whole and broken at the same time.

I smoothed the last strand of baby hair out of my face when a woman in a beautiful sleeveless aubergine emblazoned with VanCleef and Arpels jewelry stood right in front of me. She stood mighty with her long gown hugging her shape. A lopsided Gainsborough hat towered the heights of this tall woman. My stilettos were no match to her Victorian d'orsay pumps. Her skin was obviously touched by professional hands, her eyes were deeply stained with a beautiful shade of green, but inside were icy stares prying on my clothes, my stance, my ego. Boy, she smelled much better than my Jones. I wondered if she bathed in pools of RP Macys and Ralph Laurens.She must be an ad manager. She hadn't said a word, but I can hear a small voice in my head which seemed to come from the woman. "A new EP. Darling, I hope you are as good as Surratt, Jaconi and Kerns, all award-winning executive producers." I felt small at her presence. My self confidence meter was slowly diminishing, but I had to stand up. I looked at her straight in the eye and gave my hand away.

"Colette Parker, the new EP." She did not reply, so after a few awkward seconds, I gave a low cough and repeated my statement. "Coletter Parker, Madame." Miss Gold and Diamonds left my hand hanging, so I slowly let my fingers hide under my long sleeved coat. I shot her a smug, proud smile instead.

"Lillian Eleanore Mathers-Edwards, Vice-President of Mathers - Edwards & Co.Telecommunications. I believe you should not candidly say EP, darling. It just reflects your CBS' cheap artifice. MEC Telecom has been wanting to end its advertising contract with CBS because of its lousy, far too naive S'cuse me, 'E.Pheeees'." Her Angelina Jolie voice made my heart's Medusa fibers hiss. She elegantly brushed the side of her 7.03 karat blue diamond ring at the side of her parka.

"Miss Ed..." my vengeful speech was cut short by a beep from a

white Maybach Landaulet from the mighty outside world. The immaculate glass walls of the CBS seemed transparent. A spanish looking man in a chauffeur uniform, with a curled mustachio bolted in and skidded across the hall, then bowed low before the presence of the royal majesty, Miss Gold and Diamonds, L.E. Mathers-Edwards

"Madame, your Maybach Landaulet has been parked into safety. May I ask, with all due respect, milady, if there'd be anything more you need?" He never raised his head as he talked. It looked quite ridiculous to me, the chauffeur was like talking to the floor.

"I need to get my hands to the lavatory." She remarked. Miss G&D raised her newly manicured nails to her hat and moved on. She swayed like a bumble bee towards our inferior lavatory. Poor lav, debilitated before the eyes of a cold majestic woman.

I took the opportunity to run out ofthe picture. I got all my papers and walked to the elevator. I clumsily snatched all my proposals in print. I felt chagrined at my state. My hands were filled with files and evidences of stress. The sheets were slowly crumbling down to my knees. I didn't want Lillian M. Edwards to see me with all the stress on my shoulders. I rushed, despite the free falling papers and decided to check the lobby later on for missed documents. It was the longest travel from the lobby to the elevator I ever encountered. My messenger bag was swathed on my shoulder, and oh my gosh, it was about to take a fall. I turned my head to my shoulder as I was rushing to the elevator with all the files, junks and papers cradled in my hands when "WHOOPS"! Some asshole knocked me down. I fell hard down to the ground, and I could hardly feel my butt. I saw all my precious papers flying to all directions. At that minute, I wanted to cry

It took me the whole night to sort them out, and all I wanted was to get in the elevator and make the leverage take me and my papers somewhere else. My Giorgio Armani skirt was awfully wrinkled. I cursed under my breath, I could not believe that such disaster would happen to me in a day like that one. My thoughts shifted to an imagination of a grumpy Mr. Gladwell right after another failure of an EP relocation.

That asshole! I checked at my watch and saw that I only had five short minutes to prepare. The guy who knocked me down did not even stop. Instead, he went straight to the elevator. He peeked unto the small glint of space between the doors of the leverage to look at me, which made matters worse. He saw me fall, but did not do anything about it! What an insolent creature! I picked my papers one by one, feeling miserable. I could alrady hear the thud of my career, and it was falling. I looked around and saw that there are too much papers to pick. I could feel my tears forming an assault. About thirty seconds after the man left, the elevator opened once more to reveal a man in tuxedo and polished shoes. I looked up to see that it was the same damn guy who knocked me down. I could feel hot, thick blood rising in me, and so I tried to maintain my composure. I was preparing a statement of complaint when the man stood right in front of me anf began to bend his knees and pick my papers too. All my anger subsided the minute he looked into my eyes, his face full of regret.

"I am sorry, Miss. The elevator hauled me up, that I did not get the chance to get your papers for you."

"It's uh, okay." We stood up at thesame time and he handed my files to me. I said

"Thank you. If you won't mind I should get going." I remarked and shook my hands with him.The guy did let me leave. The glass elevator picked me up and I saw his figure staring at me, getiing smaller... and smaller... and smaller down below.

Thank you for reading!


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