The Chase

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Darkness bit the afternoon and changed it into a lifeless night. The hallways were empty, but the place was full of dim lights. The nurses on the counter were fully awake and themoonlight was staring at both of us. I felt so much joy as Coe was sleeping. But, I was half asleep when I saw a shadow peeking on the glassview of the door. My heart raced as I looked out. I stared at the face, trying to make out who it was, but despite my persistent staring, the face did not move. It's not looking at me! It is as a matter of fact, looking at Coe! when I stood up, the person ran away. I swiftly turned the knob open and I ran after the guy. He was wearing a nurses' outfit, much like a scrub suit. I reached for the muscular, breathless man, and I grabbed his arm. I was shocked to death when I saw who it was.

It was Phil. My college classmate. I uttered unbelievable words, "Phil?! Why the hell are you staring at my sister?!" He was shot speechless. His face was so funny, I wanted to laugh. but he stuttered and said "E- elizabeth P- p- arker?! How? Sister?! Huh? I don't get it. You mean you are Colette's sister? This must be crazy, but Ithink we need to get fresh air here. Let's get some coffee." Phil dragged me but I pulled away. "Wait, wait wait. I'm not going with you. I'm looking after Coe. Get lost Phil." "No, Francine would do this." He paused and took his phone out. He dialled a number which I guess is the number at the nurses' desk. He uttered a "Hello?" on the phone and a chirpy voice came out. They went to have a quick flirtatious talk, and then Phil told France what he wants "France, I would like you to look after Colette Parker on room, er, 307. she's asleep, but y'know, she needs assistance." the chirpy voice cooed an "Okay, see you later." Phil displayed an annoying I-got-it-all-under-control smile, and swear, It was really annoying. I glared at him and scowled "You're not yet forgiven for staring. You freaked me out, Phillip." He shrugged and took me by the hand. We were almost flying in speed when we reached the cafeteria. I was out of breath but Phil looked harmless. He stood up and asked me "What do you want? The coffee's on me tonight." "Lattè." I said, really sleepy. Phil went to the 24-hour coffee machine. He pressed the "Latte and pressed an Espresso" He went back with both hands holding a cup of coffee. Phil sat down and took a sip of his coffee. He passed my latte and I imitated him. I took one relaxing sip of my latte and faced him. "So, explain."

"Okay Liz, don't get me wrong. I am not a doctor or a nurse or a red cross volunteer. Remember our Biology class? I passed out because of the stench of blood. I can't be a doctor Liz."

"So, what are you?"

"I am a helpful person."

I imposed a "huh?" look on my face and glared at him.

"Some guy I really love needed me to go here and look after a girl for a couple of days every night"

"Some guy you actually love? Oh God Phil, you're gay?" I smirked.

"Hell no! Francine is my fianceè and we're getting married! How the hell did you..."

I cut his nasty speech and raised my hands up.

"Fine, whatever you say, Then who's this guy? And if you're not a doc or a nurse, why are you wearing an elephant design scrub suit?"

"My brother. He's the guy. He said he has to finish fixing a car so I have to cover up for his night shift in the hospital. I wonder who owns that car. My brother really hates fixing things. Once, our dad asked him to fix his car but bro refused. Now, he does things with passion. Maybe his girlfriend owns the car. And to answer your second question, this explains everything (showing a red cross identification card which says "Nathan Hall.") well technically not everything since the elephant scrubsuit belongs to France, who works here at the hospital as a nurse."

I covered my mouth to know who his brother was. NATHAN HALL.

"Nate?! He's the guy fixing the car?"


"He's the guy who asked you to come here every night?"


"He's the guy who gave you the card so you could enter?"


"Oh" was all I could say. Nate was such a sweet, sweet boy.

"Yes, yes, and yes Elizabeth. My brother has been sleepless and restless this week. He had to finish his training here in the hospital for the whole month. At night, he fixes the car, or helps Linda clean our rest house since according to him, a sick girl would stay there for days or maybe weeks."

"Why?! Why would he do that?! my sister doesn't need a car! She needs him! Do you know how terrible she has been? She lost weight, she seldomly eats, she's not even trying to walk or move. Phil, she lost her inspiration. Nate's last words stung."

"Sweet sweet Jesus, I'm sorry Liz, I only visit at night. I don't really notice how she looks. Besides, Nate only told me to check out on her, so I don't really stay for so long."

"(sigh),Phil, I really don't know what to do. This morning, Coe told me that she wants to go home. Guess she gave up on the chance of ever talking to Nate again. Nate bid goodbye last week, so I think it's really over."

"Liz, as I have said, he's working on the girl's car, helping Linda back home, and he's paying for everything. Liz, I think I should tell Nate about Coe's condition. He has to know, before... ot would be too late.And please... Don't go home yet."

I simply nodded, my eyelids were already drooping. Phil stood up and shook hands with me. He shoved me to the elevator while he packed away the coffee paper cups we used. I punched a "3" on the elevator button, indication the 3rd floor. I dragged myself to Coe's room, terribly sleepy, yet clouded with thoughts of Nate working on my sister's car. As I was thinking, I did an epic facepalm and regretted being sleepy. I should've told Phil to remind Nate to visit Coe. I really hated myself for being so forgetful. The stress inside of me lulled me to sleep, and the next thing I know, It's already the next morning.

I checked on my watch and then I panicked at the sight of 9:00. I peeked to see Coe reading and rereading Grandma Jill's letters. She finished reading when she took my phone and dialled dad's number. I know cause I heard him talk.

"Hello? Liz? How's Coe?"

"Daddy!" Coe exclaimed

I grabbed the phone from her before she could even say we're going home. Coe frowned at what I did.

"Uh, d-dad! We're actually staying here in the hospital for at least a month. Um, the doctors adviced us that one, or if nt in the hospital, at least at a rest house, er an inn. Hmm, I would really take good care of everything, dad." I was really talking so fast. Dad trusted my maturity so he simply replied an awkward "ok" and then I ended the epic call. By he ime I breathed a sigh of relief, a glaring Coe was facing me already!

"I can explain, Coe."

Love at its Weakest [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now