The Rescue

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We call her "Coe" (pronounced as "Co, like CO-workers) but her name is Colette. May I again remind you that I am a sister of theirs, and that makes me so reliable when it comes to their names, and I write their love stories in my own diary to serve as reference in the future.

Coe inherited our father's green eyes. But for some reason, Her hair had a tint of blackness. She is the bravest woman I have ever seen. Of us six, she had the strongest personality. She also is the wildest, noisiest, shortest and she really seemed like she was the youngest but dspite all these attitudes, Coe remained beautiful and attractive. As a matter of fact, most boys would say that she's th hottest. She had huge breasts, softer curves than any of us, and beautiful hips. She was really blessed with a nice body.

Coe makes everyday so special by baking different pastries for the family. She would make chocolate truffles, cookie-ice-cream-stuffed-sandiwches, gingerbread men. She would also cook onion chives in butter for it was our deceased mom's favorite dish. Dad seldom eats, but he would for the chives. Coe had a crazy love story too. But it all started when she was so young. She was then sixteen and our daddy just had her enrolled in driving lessons, yet because of her adventurous personality, she had all the courage to drive the car. Our dad allowed her, but reminded her that any damage in the car would be charged on her shoulders. I was so worried for crazy Coe when she agreed to Dad's condition. Knowing that if mom were still living, she won't even let the sillouhette of our sixteen year old sister to touch the steering wheel, I offered a helping hand. I said "Coe, dear, I would really go crazy if you squished yourself into trouble. I, as your sister am a professional driver. I could probably go with you to a draft drive today, Coe, I'd let you drive, I swear". "Elizabeth, Elizabeth, I am a big girl now. You need not go with me. I could take care of myself. Puhleeeeees!!! Let me go! let me spend a day outside, I promise it would just be a smallish joyride with Hallie" Coe cooed. "Okay Coe-dear, just make sure Hallie goes with you." I responded. "Fine." Coe agreed.

Coe, of course, had no time to call Hallie to come over so she spent the whole afternoon revving wild across small roads and towns. She found the lazy pace of slow cars in the county so Coe right then and there decided that she deserves a "real" joyride. She sped across towns and cities, she flew towards the noisy buzzing highway. It was just a long, long road to fun for Coe. She was so excited to go towards a higher level of her driving experience that she forgot that her car was so hot in fever. She was already in the middle of the road when her car began swerving "eeeeeek" it went. She could feel the wheels underneath her flaming with hot friction in them. She wanted to stop. She wanted to pull-over but the brakes failed. My poor sister Coe had her car wandering astray as she tried to get away from the car as fast as she can. She kew that once her car reached the steep part of the road, she'dA immidiately die. But then, as if by magic, the brakes returned. The car screeched into a loud, deafening thump. Coe was hit by the friction and she felt her head hard pressed unto the wheel. She couldn't move a part of her body and she felt like a chicken with no skin. She could smell the faint stench of smoke. Coe felt her head like there were ricochetting pinballs inside. She maneuvered over the right side to grab her phone. She wanted to go get help. The first person who came into her thoughts was me, the sister who tried to halt her and keep her safe. But just as she was about to dial my number, a pigeon-chested man knocked on her window. The man kept on knocking until my innocent sister opened the window for him. Poor Coe had no energy left to open the mushed door beside her as she couldn't move a muscle, yet she knew that she needed big, big help and she needed it NOW. FAST. The man smiled and Coe felt so irritated to see that the guy even had the guts to smile at her in her worst-case-scenario.The big guy opened the door and immidiately, co could feel round shoulders as hard as big boulders tugging her. She acknowledged that her small, short legs are being pulled towards a direction. She could feel an elevating pressure. With Coe's personality, she would panick at that state but since she was as dead as a rotten tomato, she just gave herself. No stiffened muscles, no hard feelings, but she made sure that she'd give this guy a hard punch when she'd feel better. A punch for tugging at her without permission. She then realized that the guy holding her gently was putting her in his strong arms. He held her in one arm to close the cab door behind them. Coe saw the pain in the guy's face as he was studying her wounds. A frown was painted across the guy's face when they reached his car. He brushed his hard hand softly against Coe's head. When he saw that Coe was already lying softly above the cushion his own car, he motioned to leave and see what he can do to Coe's overheated car, but hat was the time she felt the excruciating pain slash her spine. Coe moaned in pain. She could feel the tears streaming across her face. She wanted to call us, me, her family but she can't even move. She heard heavy footsteps rushing towards her. She saw the beautiful face of the guy who was just carrying him. His lean muscles were neatly chiseled across his chest and his warm, sturdy palm was positioned on her forehead, giving Coe a tinge of relief. His face was just above her, few inches apart. But despite this manly view, his eyes were filled with worry. The guy's eyes were filled with pain. And the pain was not for him. He was in pain for Coe because he could see that she was tormented by that sudden affliction. The guy was so worried that he did not know what to do, so instead he blurted out. "Miss? Miss? Are you okay? Can you breathe? Do you want me to bring you to the hospital? Where could you feel it? I mean the pain? Do you think you broke a bone?Oh maybe a cold compress would do fine. Or should I bring..." "Uh, No." was all Coe could manage to say. "Okay then miss, I'd go back to your car and see what I can do. Try not to close your eyes, okay? I'll call a truck to tow your car and I'll be back. This would be fast, I promise. Uh, can you feel any pain? or you're just dizzy?" The guy asked. Coe couldn't make out what the guy was saying but she clearly hear his last words. ---Just dizzy?--- "M-m-my-y B-back iss..." Coe stuttered but the guy knew immidiately that her back hurts, or worse, her spine hurts. "Oh... your back. I think I should bring you to the hospital first." The guy said, as if asking "N-n-no, I'll w-w-wwait." Coe said. The white cloud blocking her sight is now beginning to heal. She could now see her hero's face, but only upside down. She realized that the guy was kneeling? crouched? or whatever. He was down on the ground, still massaging her head. Maybe that was the reason why her eyes are now displaying a clearer view. Coe, although being naturally crazy-minded and hilarious was moved by the guy's apparent concern for her.

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