The Unexpected

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Hello fellas,

I'm back once more for another update. Gosh, It just took me one day, anyway this chapter is not too long :>. What's "The Unexpected"? This is one of my favorite chapters. =)



Coe almost killed me because of her curiosity. I don't want to reveal Nate's surprise for her, so I left her asking me. I left her curiosity unanswered. I know Phil would tell Nate about her bad condition. By the way, Coe eats little by little, but there are still moments when she'd stare blankly at the window, or when she'd swallow her tears. Coe seldom talks, but she's not as quiet as before. She's often plop down the blanket or stop for silence when Nate would cross her thoughts. I couod still see the shadow misery, but I could still see the hope of moving on. Gosh, I could literally feel myself rotting inside because I am fully aware that Nate did not break what he told me about letting Coe stay at their rest house.

Coe still managed to smile after all of these painful disasters. I am honestly very happy for my dear sister. I really am. I know she deserves more than this. I know she deserves to love and be loved back, but swear, I still can't tell if Nate have developed strong feelings for her. He sure may have done things to make up for what he did, but Nate, may also be just another noble man.

I yawned upon checking a 9:17 am on my watch, and as if by magic, a worried Nathan Hall rushed to room 307, past Coe's door. He paused quickly to check out her condition, but moved swiftly towards her. He did not fight his feelings, he went straight to her and hugged her really tight. He held her head upon his chest and kissed her forehead thrice. Tears sprung from Coe's eyes and she smiled at him, full of hope and joy... and... LOVE. Nathan was frowning as he met her eyes. He took so much pity at her feeble body, her hairs barely thicker than thread. She lost weight in just a week, not because she seldomly eats, but because she was desperately hopeful that Nate would come back past that hackneyed door, just like how it happened today. Nate hugged her once more, but this time, it took him so long before he let her go. Coe was sobbing. She produced muffled cries, and I just couldn't help but cry with her as well. Nate stroked her hair and leaned his head on hers, repeatedly whispering "sorry, sorry, sorry" I could here an apologetic plea. "Coe, I'm really very sorry." He rocked her head while she sobbed. She let all the feelings out. She has been keeping the pain for so long. Nate sounded very sad when he said, "Shh, Coe, I'm here now. Please don't cry. I'm here now" Nate released her gently and cupped his hands on her face. He wiped her tears away and looked straight unto her eyes.

"Coe, I'll save every single girl on the road If I could, but Coe, you have thrown so much impact on me. I know I already bid goodbye and I know that anytime, you and Liz would be moving to California. But Coe, I can't get you out of my mind. I can't stop thinking about you, or how you feel. I could save all the girls, but I can't care for them as much I care for you. You are very special in my heart. I don't know, I don't mind confessing... but... I have never been like this to a girl. I've never put on so much effort on things, but with you, I was able to do it. Coe, I understand if you can't forgive me yet, but for me you are someone special. When Phil told me how bad you've been, I can't even stand what he said, and I can't help but think that you're feeling this way because I did hurt your feelings."

Coe was shocked and speechless at the same time. She can't believe that she's facing Nate once more. Coe laughed at Nate's confession, but sincerely, she's extremely happy that he came back for her.

"Nate, the moment you entered that door, I have already forgiven you. You've already done so much for me. That's enough. Thank you Nate."

"Coe, I'm very, very sorry." They hugged each other once more, Coe enjoying his luxuriating pine smell. At that moment, A guy in business attire stormed in, and smirked at me. It was Phil. He shouted a hilarious "BUSINESS DONE HERE!" and then he turned to me "See, Liz. This attire fits me best. I am not a doctor, I am a helpful man." Nate looked at him, and laughed. Coe was still cradled in his arms. "What's...?" She inquired, but Nate hushed her by putting a finger on her zaftig lips. "This is my brother." Nate said, gesturing a hand towards Phil. "Liz? Coe turned to me, wondering why Phil and I are acquainted," I smiled at her and said, "This Phil here, he's my college classmate. Last night, he was here, staring at you!!!!" I said, scaring her off. Coe burrowed her head unto Nate's chest and Nate laughed at what she did. She popped out and exclaimed, "WHY?!" We all laughed in chorus. After the laughter, Phil explained.

"You see, Coe. Nate's so crazy about you. the reason why he doesn't come here for a visit often is because back at our rest house, at night, he fixes your car. He also helps Linda, our caretaker to clean the house because he needs it clean before you go there for a rest. In the mornings, he attends to his training for Med School, and apparently, I his HELPFUL brother, attends to his shifts overnight, by using his red cross identification card, substituting him for he needs to fix you car as I just said.He reminds me to check up on you before I go home, to see if you're okay. He came back here cause I told him how bad you've become, and as for how you've become, blame Liz. She's exaggeratingly worried about your condition. We stayed up all night just for me to explain why his crazy college blockmate came here to stare." Phil was breathless after the explanation. Coe looked at Nate as he was looking at her as well. She blushed as their eyes met. Nate stroked her hair and said, "Ready to see my rest house?" Coe simply nodded.

Coe and I spent another night at the hospital. Nate, stayed there for his training with his future sister in law, France. Phil and France would be spending a summer bonding in Paris, and then they'd go straight to their jobs after. Phil operates his company in Kansas and he sleeps at Francine's flat so they won't really be using the rest house. Nate, after his training would be enjoying his summer with his friends, as he have said, and I am almost a week and a half absent from work, so I gotta drive to California and leave my sister under Linda's care.

As soon as the sun opened a warm sheet of day, I packed up some clothes I brought for Coe. She's recovering from the broken bones she had. Her contusions were healed. The doctor gave her back a metal brace, so she could walk from small distances like the bathroom, or the kitchen, but she still can't be involved in much strenuous activities. She still has to spend much of her time in bed. Nate vists her in her room whenever he gets some free time. When he's free, I grab lunch at the cafeteria.

That day, Nate skipped his lunch break to visit Coe.

"Hello sweetheart." He greeted. Coe blushed red as a tomato when she heard Nate address her again as someone dear to him.

"Hi" She shyly, yet cheerfully replied. Nate sat at the edge of her bed and lifted up her foot She chuckled as Nate tickled it.

"Coe, listen. my shift's about to end. Um, Liz would be leaving at about 1:30 pm later, but before she leaves, she said, she's going to drop you in our rest house, so I was just wondering... May I...uh, uh.... May I just um.." Nate stuttered at the offer of bringing her to their rest house instead. Nate felt like he's a kid again, asking his mommy for ice cream. Coe displayed a "huh?" face and curiously marveled at what Nate would like to tell her. She smiled and touched his hands. "Nate, Chill. What do you wanna say again?"

Nate tried to smile, but when Coe touched his hands, he shivered and he felt perspiration hover over him, "Coe- may- i- bring- you- to- the- rest- house- instead- of- Liz...there?" Coe thought she heard him murmur, but since she didn't want to put pressure Nate again. She did not ask, she just nodded. "Okay, then thank you Coe, I'll get you here Coe. I'm so excited." Indeed, he was so excited. He's like a kid goofing around right after Coe nodded. "Um, wait, Nate? What? Why are you excited." He calmed down and breathed heavily. "I'm going to bring you to my house. Liz, she's going home. Later." "okay." Coe replied.

I saw Nate jump around when he exited the room. His face was priceless." Why is wonderboy jumping?" I asked. "H- h- hey! Gosh, Liz, I didn't see you there. You can go home. I'll bring Coe to the house, she agreed!" I winked at him and smiled with a "thanks bro" look.

Time ticked and passed. Nate tapped the table impatiently waiting fo the time, and when the clock struck 1:30, his expression morphed from bored to excited. He swerved in and out of crowded mobs and equipments. Beds and wheelchairs huddled all the way. Time ticked faster and faster. For the first time in his life, Nate wished he could fly. I saw him stop just in front of the room. Practiced a few small talks. I even saw him stick his hand out, as if pretending to make a handshake. I could laugh to death. He messed his hair in a sexy way and opened the door.

"Surprise!" He exclaimed.


Coming back for more :)

I'm working on the next chapter.

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