The Repeated History

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In my bare fingers she slipped away,

like the wind before the dawn of April and May.

I tried to look further, look further down

But not a silhouette was to be found

Why did she leave? I do not know.

How could she bear the cold, winter snow

I guess, it was warmer down the road below

if there she'll be quiet, well then I'll let her go.

My heart breaks as I see her car

Speeding off the tracks like a trekking star

I look away, I look afar

It's better for the better, for her lonely little heart

She did not even let me talk

My hand she did not even hold

With tears in her eyes, and her staggered breath,

she took off with nothing more, nothing said.

The truth in my heart, I shall bear for so long

I knew that I liked what she did, it was strong.

It would pain me again, to let her go

Better yet still, she's the one who had forgone,

The destiny had kept me locked in my rear

That I shall never love a darling so dear

for a free man with a half and a greater kill

is worse than a monster who can love and be still

I was waiting for the time when she came back

I did not realize it was she that I lack

When ghouls come forth they shall attack

with pitchforks and torches, and a golden tack.

My heart will then bleed at the spin of time

I shall be gone in a turned picket dime.

I shall say goodbye, no more love forbid

she's just a ghost now from a city I hid.

How would the pain now go and turn away?

If waiting is no more, it is to my dismay

she's gone for good, never to return

I'm not bold enough to beat the curve.

I can see him kissing her zaftig lips

I can feel her head pressed against his chest

For the guy who had won was a greater pick

than a person like I, just a stupid nick.

The ghost of the past had come out from the shelf

Indeed, my old history repeated itself

I tried to move a way with a mustered stealth,

but it was too strong, it restored its health

The pain it had wrought me was too beyond

I wonder for how long could we slip a bond

Then she answered me, with her steering wheel

"No, this can't be, when you know whom you killed."

I love you, Colette, you're safe now my dear

I know that it hurts for us to once again tear

But just in the silence of our heartbeats today

I know we'll come along, we'll come along someday

We tried to make it work,but with force we come apart

I tried to keep you safe, but it won't just come up

The flame is still burning, inside my heart

I know that you still love me, please say it out loud.

If I bequeath this place, shall I see you again?

If I go close to you, Can it heal, can it mend?

If ever I will ever kiss your face once more,

will it be like infinite moments of before?

Shall I meet you in the road, will you let me be near?

If we cross our paths once more, will it then be clear?

In a sharp sting of pain, will then come the love?

Will you dance with me again, in the music's shove

I love you, Colette. It's all to be right

I know you did a choice that you did not like

I'm sorry if I caused your pain to spike

I needed you to have the light

I love you, Colette. I hope it's over now.

You need to know I'm not the man you need somehow

I want you to gain bliss, not an arrow's bow

I want you to be at peace, but with me, that's not to show

You deserve all the best, you deserve it all the more

You do deserve the man who'll love you for sure

One who would not make you wait, one who'll make you strong

You do deserve the man with who will love you for long.


This was the poem Nate said in response

Of course he loved Coe but he knew he could not

He did try to hold her in his arms again,

but yin and yang won't let her stay with him :((

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