The Truth

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Hello, I am so sorry it took me months to go with another chapter. It's just that I was busy writing my other story entitled "Will I believe?" Btw, thanks for helping me become top #1000 in the short story category. I love you guys!


“Nathan!” I called, I woke Nate up despite all the strenuous activities we encountered that day. “I need to know who Kevin is. You told me the other day that he was your cousin, now I am really confused. I don’t like this peculiarity anymore!”

Nate sat up as soon as I called his name and helped me into his arms. “Coe, Coe, what am I going to do with you?” His voice sounded desperate.

“I need to find Kevin.” I pleaded Nate.

Nate gave off a sigh and replied. “Hey, I’ll show you something.”

The night was pitch black, the place was awfully dark. I felt my heart race and I felt my mind throb with pain.  Nate took off all the blankets and stood in front of me. He held my hands as I was sitting Indian style on the bed.

“Promise me, after this you won’t ask again.”

I didn’t want to promise at first, What if I had more questions about Kevin? How would I know? I trashed all the mystifying questions and moved on to my response. My hands were shaking underneath Nate’s fingers.

“N-nate, I am scared. But yes, I will not ask again.” My soul was nervous. I dreaded the loss of either Kevin or Nate in my life.

“Thank you. Now, let’s go.” Nathan asked me to walk with him towards somewhere I didn’t know. When we were finally out of my room, Nate told me where we were heading to. “Colette Parker, you’re finally meeting Kevin.” He let out a sad sigh, and clasped my hand.

We used the stairs. The night was scary. Nate told me that no one was ever allowed to enter Kevin’s room.

“Mom kept all his stuff here after his death. Since then no one ever opened his room, not even Linda. Linda used to clean his room once in a while, but then she claimed to hear chimes in his room without seeing one, and so it freaked her out, but no I love Kevin so much, our family loves him so much.”

I paused… He’s dead. He’s not alive. Tears were already trickling down my face before I even knew it.

“So… we’re going inside, aren’t we?” I asked, trying to conceal my pain, and my longing.

“As you wish.” Nate brought out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door to Kevin’s room. He opened the lights and I saw Kevin’s room. “No one has ever touched this room in years.” The bed, the chairs, the table, everything was draped with white sheets.

“What’s here to see, Nate?”

Nathan walked up to a small closet. He brought out all weird sorts of things. From weird clothes,  to metal chains. I stood behind him as he delicately placed all of the stuff on a side table.

“What sorts of things are these?” I asked, lifting up some of the clothes. “Kevin’s” I paused. Nate nodded.  I wondered what kind of person he was since he had all those stuff.

In a moment, He showed me a white and black medallion embossed with two white and black dots.

“Yin Yang.” He simply said“ I will tell you why he is somewhat connected to me and my feelings.” Kevin took my hand with the medallion on his other hand. We sat on Kevin’s bed and discussed things further.

“Coe, Kevin and I were cousins, but aside from that, we were best friends. Well, Kevin and I used to play together as kids. We would often ask our parents to go to carnivals, robotic shops, race tracks and all. But then all the fun stopped when Kevin died. We were best friends. “Nate proceeded with his explanation.” Nate proceeded with his explanation.

“Once, Kevin and I went to a Chinese Jade Shop. A woman offered us a medallion, for free: this Yin Yang medallion. He was Yin, I was Yang. The black portion, “Yin” pertains to the black energy. It was dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak. It illuminated Kevin’s personality. I had the white energy, “Yang”: bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. It also illuminated my personality. This is what I am to tell you, Colette. ONE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT THE OTHER. Kevin has become my brother, my cousin, everything. I know letting him go was hard, but I had to move on. Now that you know, I can’t love you anymore. You see, I love you so, so much, Coe, but now that you know everything, I can’t love you any longer.” Nate’s eyes were set unto a dark state. His face was melancholic, as if he never wanted to tell the story all.

“Nate, why?” I asked, full of curiosity in my heart. It pained me to ask, but I had to know.

“Kevin and I in one point of our lives fell for a single girl named Gail. She had the most wondrous eyes, the nicest smile and the best personality than any of the girls Kevin and I liked. I knew it would break the heart of Kevin if I courted her, and Kevin felt that the same thing would happen if he courted Gail. In the name of Yin and Yang, we swore that we’ll never ever love the same girl ever again.” 

-End of "The Truth"-

Update will take place soon, so don't stray away, okay?


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