The Surprise

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Hot humid air blasted towards the door. I felt uncomfortable, but as I was supported by the man I loved, nothing bad ever felt. For the first time in my entire life, I became so conscious of how I look. I wore a loose tangerine shirt and matched it up with perky shorts and slippers. I felt skin ripped because of the excruciating pain. I had to tolerate every single move I make. Nurses and doctors familiar to Nate flashed a long lingering look at us. He smiled politely as we moved awkwardly. Indeed, it was a very awkward sight to see. Nate's strong arms are carrying me, while upon his shoulders draped my bag. He preferred to carry me towards the entrance/exit door instead of rolling me over by using a wheelchair. It might have been easy to get one, cause if it were Liz to drive me there, we would've asked for a wheel chair. As a matter of fact, I delighted in the way he carried me. Our bodies coalesced so close together felt like heaven. He smiles occasionally to me, as if saying "I'm so excited." I felt happy with Nate. I know that he's not going to do anything to hurt me.

Nate and I were in front o the door when he gently put me down. He kissed my forehead and made me sit on the waiting bench. It was extremely hot. I could feel perspiration seep through my neck. My legs were oozing with sweat and my tangerine was soaked and ruined by my own water deposits. I hated it. I raised my hand towards my forehead to wipe my sweat away. Gosh, I wished I had my hanky. Nate came back, riding a car. It was the same car he used to save me. I blushed by that thought. Nate set the car to neutral, pulled the handbrake and went to me. He carried me again and opened the rear door of the car, and stuffed me in, gently. He wiped my sweat and stared deep into my eyes, while his arms were swathed to the door. He smiled at me, I smiled back, my eyes full of gratitude for all he's done. "You're so beautiful. You know that?" He brought up, but before I could even answer, he closed the door and went to the driver's seat. I felt so different when I am with Nate. I feel like I am a lady. I also appreciated the fact that he said those words right at that point when I was so sweaty and my body was oozing with unwanted fluids Haha! I know it's too hilarious to feel like one because I am truly a straight lady, it's just that... I've never experienced being admired by a guy before. I mean, dad always tells me that I am a very beautiful girl, but I sometimes think that he just says that because he fears that I may be a lesbian someday, or just because of his mere favoritism since I'm the craziest in the family.

It was a long awkward drive towards the Hall's house. All I could feel were the hot stares coming from this hot guy beside me. He drove carefully and really slow. He drove at the speed of just 80kph. Anyway, for me it was REALLY slow. I could see his tight muscles flexed whenever he maneuvered the steering wheel. He was wearing a tight shirt, his abdominal 8-pack muscles were also stenciled perfectly.

I did not notice that he was staring curiously at me, while I was staring at his perfect abs. My ears were banged when he uttered the next words.

"Are you checking me out?" he asked

"H-huh?" I stuttered

"You're looking at my abs, miss."

"What?! I'm not." I lied.

"Okay then, if you say so." he smirked. I was extremely annoyed.

"Don't you ever say that."

"That what?"

"That, if you say so stuff." Then after I nailed my line, I faced the empty window and didn't speak for a while.

"I'm sorry okay?" He apologized. I hated the fact that it's so hard to be mad at him at the moment I wanted to. The moment he said sorry, all the bad feelings are gone.

I reddened of embarrassment, but I mumbled an "okay."

Another awkward silence filled in. I enjoyed the view from the outside, There were lots of very beautiful birds. I miserably wanted to plunge outside and get one for myself. Nate chuckled whenever I gasped when I see one fly so close to my window. I then chuckle with him. Time passed so fast, and the forever slow driving of Nate finally pulled to a stop. I annoyingly brushed the dust off my shorts. I straightened my shirt and then the next thing I know, Nate was out of the driver's seat, and the car door opened. It was him. And behind him, lies a mighty mighty house. I almost fainted at the sight of it.

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