The Encounter

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The next day, Coe woke up to the smell of hospital tapes and cotton balls. She also had the smell of bossoms of night flowers underneath that hospital stench. She hated the way she s

was stuckin that hospital bed with bandages in her tummy. Her adventurous personality did not suit the hospital corners fine. It loathed the fact that she'llbe staying indoors for the wole summer. Coe slowly turned her head towards the window. It was already morning. The fain light exerted by the hot summer sun kissed her skin goodmorning. She then saw my sleepy little head leening on her bed. I was so exhausted that day for I drove 18 hours straight the whole night to Colorado Springs Hospital. I lifted my head up as I noticed that she was moving. I saw the disappointment that was registered in her face. I knew that she's actually searching for her prince Charming, Nate. I smiled and moioned my hands towards her. I gave her a quick hug. I was also careful. She seemed so feeble and fragile in my hands. "Had fun joyriding?" I teased "look liz, I'm sorry." Coe said weakly. "I was just kidding Coe." I said while smiling. I could see that it was not my words that disappointed her. It was he fact that Nate was not there. To cut the awkwardness, I informed Coe that I had to get breakfast for her. "Um, Coe darling, I have to get us breakfast. And since you're awake, I think I could leave you for awhile. I know you won't do anything crazy since you whole body is festered with bandages. The least thing I'd worry about is the fact that you'd probably search for you hero in the hallway. Haha, Natey- nate is not here, dear." "Hey Lizzie!" Coe called a bit loudly. "Um, if you don't mind, I'd like to know where Nate is at this time of the day?"

"Get over it girl, Nathan Hall didn't get proper sleep last night. Obviously, it's because he had to wait for me to arrive from California to Colorado Springs. He looked after you while you were peacefully asleep, till I arrived and I took care of you for the rest of the morning. Nate did a pretty good job in keeping himself awake, because Coe, I have to admit, watching you sleeping is pretty much boring." I said with a smirk. I was closing the door behind me when she exclaimed "Wait! Uh, what time did you arrive last night er, morning. whatever?" "Two a.m." I said, and then I scurried to the stairs. I hate being bombarded with questions.

Meanwhile, Coe noticed the Ikebana flower combination of lilies and carnations. Certainly, the person who might have given her this must know much about her very odd personality. She noticed a sealed envelope ipunderneath the arrangement. Her heart jumped up and down when she saw her name.

"Dear Coe Parker,"

It would certainly be not from her dad since their dad didn't like using nicknames. He called them by their first names such as Colette, Elizabeth or Aufeline. And their sisters would not opt to write with surnames on, of course. They would simply address a "Coe" on a letter. Only one person would write letter, it would only be Nathan Hall. Coe blushed at the thought of it. It was so obvious that the person who wrote her the letter went and dug for some clues regarding her and her life. Her thoughts flashed back when I got a chance to talk to Nate, and asked him about Coe. I also said that my name is Elizabeth Parker, a sister of Coe, so Coe really predicted that having Coe as a name and Parker as last name would solve the mystery. Coe continued reading

"Dear Coe Parker,

Thank God you were saved! I know that I would lose another part of me again if you die. You are a crazy, beautiful woman, honey. I felt a pang of worry and pain when I called Elizabeth. I know that she'd take too long to go from California to Colorado, but anyway, I sent you lilies and carnations. I hope you liked them, honey"

She shivered when she saw the word "honey". Coe closed her eyes and smelled the paper. It smelled of pine! NATHAN! She stroked the curves and lines of the handwriting. It sure was not very legible, but whatever, she's so excited to see if he placed "Nate Hall or Nathan Hall or your hero." she was so excited.

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