The Corollaries

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6:55pm The storm was violent as I woke up with Declan beside me. I kissed his forehead and I went two floors down for a cup of hot coffee. I switched the TV on, and I stammered on the news flash. "Storm in Colorado is highly torrential and might lead to destruction of houses, and death of lives. Heavy to moderate rains will be experienced in New York. It's a rainy day, America!" I turned the TV off and buried the remote control under the couch.

I looked far upon the window sill. They were all right all along. The force shall fight its way back to me. I felt a pang of worry as to how he was at that time. I didn't particularly know what to do, but the place was simply dull. I wanted to wake Declan up and get a hug because that was exactly what I need. What I need for me not to come back and be horrified. The misty winds made its way to my feet and I instantaneously felt the cold breeze. The storm was banging hard against the windows; I had to drape another layer of blinds on the already covered panes. I walked towards one of them so that the hard core winds would finally stop heading inward and as I went close, I found a silhouette beneath. I looked around, and the next thing I know, it was gone. I glanced at the second window and there was his shadow, looking right at me.

I rushed, petrified towards Declan and he was already awake, and already in bath.

"Declan, please, I need you here honey."

"Just a second." He said. I could hear the streams of water in sync with the lashing rain. I felt terrible, it is like everything is audible and the world was striving to get me to hear them. I needed someone, somebody.

"Please Honey!" I began to cry. The fear was endless.

I could hear him rushing inside the bath. "Coming, Dear." In a second he was out and my face was already messed up. He covered his arms around me, his strong arms.

"Why are you crying?" He kissed my forehead repeatedly, wondering why there was so much in the world I had to be in problem of.

"There was someone outside... and it was... it was... Honey... I..." He held me closer to him. I could smell the linen fabric he had against his skin and the body wash he used, and his body shape was totally distracting me, yet within a second, I felt safer.

"Shhh... You're safe now, honey."

"Thanks, Declan."

"Okay, let's go down, I'll prove to you that it's safe."

"No... please, Let's just stay here for a while. I think it's better if we stay here for a moment and then go later. I had a rough weekend. This might just be related to whatever happened last week"

A surge of fear has waved through my very bones. I did not know how to actually tell him that I was with Nate... in detail.

"I think you should know what happened last week. I don't think I should be keeping any more secrets from you." I gave a short sigh, knowing deep within that the world will not be in agreement with what I will do.

I held his hands, the tightest I could. "First of all, Declan, I'd like you to know that I love you so much and that I will do anything to fight for this love for you. I know that the world shall conspire against this after all that I have done last week." I wanted to cry, to feel the betrayal in my limbs.

"Declan... I know that Elizabeth has already told you where I went. I went to Colorado."

"Yes, you went to Colorado for a business meeting. At first I was suspicious about you because you said otherwise, you told me that you would visit a doctor of yours, but a woman called to confirm that you were there for a business deal. I know you were tired, honey. Don't get me wrong, I am ready to let you go, even if that was for a getaway. I won't actually lock you in my company."

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