The Confusion

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I woke up with the sound of the same Violin Sonata up too loud. The rain was still violently in action. I lifted a small hinge open and let all the smell of petrichor in, I felt like I was putting free perfume in my room because petrichor was the perfume of the gods as they say, it is mixed from 50 different types of earthly minerals.

I called Hallie and apologized.I told her that I slept all the morning after the call. I freaked out at thethought, oh my I remembered too well that I banged the phone down and I totally ditched the lunch with that creepy Declan.

"You've got to help me Hal. How could you just cancel that wine party?"

"Coe, It wasn't my choice. I did not want to mess your relationship with your managers." Hallie replied.

I gave a low sigh. Hallie was right. I was thankful to still have my mustang around. I went to get my coat an umbrella. I tossed the Mustang keys in and went to get my tote. I opened the door, and I got a total shock. A Maybach was parked right in front of my porch. Damn right, this guy has all the nerve to wait for me. Declan was still in the same suit. He opened his window. I was suprised to see that he did not ask someone else to pick me up. I lowered my umbrella to keep him from the view.

"Colette!" His voice was almost inaudible. The loud clash of rain had caused his voice to sound so small. I heard him, I thought of what Hallie said, He was still my ad manager, so I had to raise the small space of the umbrella. The only barrier between his eyes and mine.

"Declan." I said, I thought I was inaudible, or maybe I was, but he replied swiftly

"Ride in. I have to talk to you."

"Where?" I said, almost shouted and dangled my keys.

He went out of the car, despite the rain. His luxurious suit got wet. His hair got damn disheveled. He looked like a poor pup.

"Are you crazy?!" I shouted as I went near him to raise the umbrella up on his height to keep the rain water away.

"Damn, get in Colette Parker."

"Okay!" I shouted. I was massively annoyed. But I had no choice, so I sat in the rear.

He drove without looking at me. The silence was stabbing me right at the heart. There was no sound but the raindrops.The whole city was empty. A few cars would run here and there, but there weren't many people. I wanted to cry. I felt kidnapped by my own boss.

"Could you at least tell me where we're going?" I scowled at him, and gave him the best death glare I could give.

"Oh, yeah. I was planning to actually get a lunch out with you... er it's dark already so maybe dinner, if you happened to forget. We'll be... wait, do you like sushi?"

I paused for long. "Sushi's fine." I said.

"Then we'll have dinner at Masa."

"Masa?" I shrieked. "Are you serious, Sir?"

"Yes, Ms. Parker. I'd like to talk to you about things."

"Things? Haven't we discussed them back at CBS?"

"No, you have a strange familiarity to me." I was blown away in disbelief. I was thinking of the same thing.

"I actually think you're familiar to me as well. I just can't figure it out." Shit, I have said too much. The words were there long before I could stop them. Silence enveloped us. The ride to New York was silent, awfully silent. I could not believe he was going to take me to Masa with a wet suit.

"I guess this is it." He said.

"Sir, I'm sorry I think I have been too rude to you awhile ago. Thank you for today." I guiltily remarked.

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